dimanche 8 avril 2007


A abortion, air-conditioning, alcohol, artificial islands
B bath culture, birds, bodyguarding, books, breathe exercising
C canalisation, carnival, censure, Central Computer, channels and channelling, choosing a pet, cigarettes, circus, climate in cities, concerning cloning, concerts, cosmetics, plastic chirurgic and hair issues, countries, crude oil, cultural tips
D demilitarisation, diary, diet
E ecology, education, electricity for everyone, engine for the vehicles, euthanasia, experiments on animals
F few critics, fit not fat, food for children, food for whole world
G garbage, gay couples and children, genetic engineering, Global Village, GPS for vehicles
H handkerchief, handwriting, health insurance, hovercraft, hygienic tips
I if your animal is sick, imitation and improvisation saloons, international politics, Internet safety,
J jobs
K keys
L laughs laboratories, legal life, live sport
M manual workers, marriage, massage, meat eaters, medical profession, menopause, money
N narcotics, no radiation please
O occupying place for habitation, one-way streets, organ donation, original names
P paper, parents’ education, parking, patents, pensioners, people that have special needs, pets and public animals, pharmaceutical mission, phonetic language, photo, video and audio recording, plastic chirurgic, police, politicians, pollution, pornography, prisons, private field radiation, prostitutes, psychologists with new skill, publicity, public transport
R radio, ailroads, recycling suggestions, re-education, referendum, refugees, religion, renewable energy, rivers, robotisation
S salt and sugar, school board’s stuff, second hand shops, sex subject, singing clubs, sirens for the vehicles, SI system, social minimum, space travel, sport and recreation, stem cells, stock market, streets, super bags, super shoes, swings
T taxes, television, time machine, tip, trees
U universal hour, underground, unmanned transport, urbanising the animals
V vegan society, VIP, voluntary work
W wages, water animals, water supplies on Earth, wireless life and some gadgets
Z zero gravity clubs, zoos, zzz… case study


I suppose that you already know that you must not make love with your own natal family. I believe that at least 12 levels of relatedness should be forbidden. If it anyway happens the abortion should be available and recommended choice.

If the woman had been raped, the abortion choice should be open.

The case where the pregnancy shows life danger to mother or child, the hospital specialists should have the right to unveil their recommendation even if it has to be abortion. They could save some of genetic material so child can be cloned and born in future when pregnancy problem is solved and both of mother and child are guaranteed health. If the danger lies only in observed diagnosis of the unborn child, it should be most desirable thing to pursue the pregnancy and give a birth if child with such diagnosis can live. It should not be available thing for mother to abort a child if, for example, she discovers the child has Down syndrome. Even if child needs to live away in a carrying home, it still has the right to be born and live the life and one day, when the treatment becomes available be there for it.

I recommend also to all girls to use contraception until they finish their high school. There is a question I am asking teenagers girls. Even if you are sure you found the right partner for you and you still haven’t reach 18 years, spend this time to make best friend of him. Probably it is nice to cuddle and kiss each other, but just try (this is not imposing of morality, I said just try) to have sexual experience after you finish high school. If girl become pregnant anyway she should raise the child and she should prolong her high education but certainly finish it in her own time. As soon as she discovers she expects a child, she needs to find good hospital where she can be guided through pregnancy.

It is woman’s holly mission and most professional duty to be the mother if she can.


It is a well-known fact that air-conditioning gives big relaxation in the spaces where it works.

People need fresh air. Air- conditioning is there to put more oxygen (O2) in the room, thus increased amount of it in our breath gradually leads to better brain functioning and reducing of free radicals in the body. There are also different kinds of it, you can even imitate all smells of nature within closed space by adding basic essences.

Most of the urban closed spaces should have air-conditioning. It must become standard thing in society.

So, who urgently needs to have the air-conditioning? Medical institutions and all places which deals with health, pharmacies included. Educational institutions. Public transport. Shops and restaurants. Other public and gathering places should install air-conditioning devices as well.

Additional air conditioning would be to put green plants on all public places where it is possible and to install just above them little ultraviolet (UV) lights. They will make than in their natural way O2 whilst doing the process of photosynthesis. They also look very pretty in closed spaces. Please, try not to put the plants with flowers, as there is a percent of people who are allergic on it.


Why do you think it is forbidden for children to drink alcohol? Because it is not good for the health. I think the worst think that could happen in the last years is when some doctors recommended alcoholic drink to be drunk during the meal- they said it is good for the heart.

How and why? If prolonged usage of alcohol destroys liver that is because there are stronger molecules than pure glucose which is motor of the body and, nutritionally, we are not capable of alcohol’s good absorption.

I suggest that alcohol needs to be considered as narcotics type of substances. I propose that for it exist special card so all people above age of 18 will need it when buying a drink, both in a shop and in a bar. That special card will have a generous limit of amount of alcohol that can be consumed in a month. More than that will not be available. If not spent in one month the credit for alcohol will not be possible to put in another month. Even if the person drinks almost to the limit for 3 months it should be reduced the maximum allowance of alcohol for him. If it continues to drink to the borderline for 6 months, the doctors should invite it to a conversation. If it continues for some time after that again, it should be considered as alcoholic and specialist care and help should be provided.

With these measures it should be available to reduce the number of alcoholic in the world. Only people who cannot be helped by this are people working in an alcohol industry. They should be free to ask for help if they exceed their consumption of alcohol of globally acknowledged limit quantity. They must not continue to deteriorate their abuse habit just because they seemingly do not have limitation of available alcoholic drinks.

Also, people should be so moral not to buy the drink for other. If they do, the amount of the drink the person drunk should somehow be possible afterwards to put onto its card as well.

This should be internationally generalised trade measure for alcoholic drinks


This can take time to realise. Everywhere in the sea and oceans where is nice and friendly climate it will be good places to make artificial islands: They would be connected to the earth below the sea with the strong link, so they will be stationary. Something like half a kilometre toward the island’s ground the sea will be ‘civilised’ with no carnivores or hurting stuff for people. It will more look like swimming pools, those ‘entrances’ to the islands, no more than 2-3 metre deep.

Only one recommendation I have to make about this and it is very important one. It will not be possible that people have their private apartments and houses there. It will be just hotels there. Artificial islands will be tourist places and people can have their holidays there. So for everyone it will be necessary to pay for accommodation. It will be available for everyone’s pocket to visit and have holiday there considering that the person does some voluntary work for the island as well.


One of the primary aims in sustainable human development is that all people get bathroom in their homes. It can be the same room as the toilet (also necessary thing for adequate life) or separate. Jacuzzi is a very useful version of the bath but it is necessary that medical opinion approve its use, i.e. there are some diagnoses which are not compatible with hydro massage.

The money from all taxes around the world, as well as donations should be invested to make bathrooms (and toilet if there is none) in the homes of all people who cannot afford to finance such a project. It is very important to get clean water into their homes as well as make proper canalisation that would lead used water out. Concerning the usage of the bath, I would just suggest to people to use eco-friendly hygienic products. Concerning the toilets, please use biodegradable dry and wet toilet tissues.

I have seen in one international scientific experiment which has been practising living of 6 people in the little space capsule as if they have landed and have to live for some months on Mars. They had such patent mechanism that had processed their urine into drinking water. They had such a space with a shower that no water could be lost and all water had been cleaned and ready for again usage in short period of time. They have obviously used a special type of cleaning agent. Such devices urgently need to be commercialised and installed in the developing world that has the urge for baths and fresh water. Thanks in advance.


The bodyguarding is an absurd job. Whatever your work is, you should be free to walk free in the world without bodyguard’s help. As I stated earlier, every living being is a star. You should not consider yourself nor act as black hole in no case at all.

If it is the amount of money you have that keeps you insecure that give it away with purpose so you can feel free. If you are frightened by amount of fame you have got you should find a way to address it. The hiring of bodyguard shows that something in your life you are not doing right, otherwise you would feel free to walk free in democratic society.


If you are a watcher of the television you should try to have equal or bigger hours of reading/studying the book than watching the TV.

You should aim to read at least one book per month. I believe that you should have the time for it.


It would be good to make a habit to practice conscious breathing at least 10 minutes two times a day. That would be the time for exercise of breathing. Person should not think about nothing else in that exercise except about regular and profound breath. The technique would be either simply same amount of time inhaling as exhaling or, if interested to imply eastern teachings, inhaling/keeping the breath/exhaling can be done in ratios 1/1/2, then 1/2/2 and if those are easy going the ratio of 1/3/2. Maybe just inhaling one period and exhaling in double period will suffice too. It is important that the spine is straight standing and that body position is either very relaxing one, like simple laying on bed, or some challenging asana posture (body position in yoga).

I suppose that the best idea is to think about nothing else except about proper breathing, maybe visualising that all cells of the body are getting plenty of oxygen with some thinking that cells are eliminating free radicals if there have been some.

Breathe exercising have been popular way of the working on itself since ever. It is a primary thing we do when we are born. It is most of the day unconscious way of one’s life. That is why I am proposing practicing of such an exercise, to try in some moment to concentrate about nothing else than about breathing (and, maybe elasticity of body during the posture). It is funny to see and watch how often our thoughts will fight to run away on another subjects instead to think just about the quality of breath.

Try to make daily habit of it. Good luck!


There are some new devices that have to be included in canalisation tubes. Special enzyme has to start work since toilet to adapt organic dechets for canalisation. It is important for canalisation fluids to be easily absorbed by rivers and seas without poluting them. That is why I think special enzymes should do the job.

It will be necessary that in lavaboes and baths another types of enzymes react with used water before its exchange with toilet fluids. Baths’ waters consist of different soaps and shampoos and even aromatic oils. Lavabos would need to have mixing device that would soften food which came in and enzymes that would degrade dish wash and other cleaning products. Canalisation water will like that be more degraded into non-toxic components before it lefts the homes. The law must be imposed that all cleaning materials must be biodegradable. Those enzymes must be available in shops and not expencive. Only after this is done, yhe canalisation will be neutral and clean to exchange with waters where people can swim (rivers, seas, oceans…). Special and independent collecting mechanisms of water from the streets has to clean that water from heavy metals and toxic elements before disposing them absolutely neutralised in the waters. The same is worth for industrial and pharmaceutical garbage that is disposed in waters. It has to be neutralised and ecofriendly. High amende and even cease of activity should be the judgement if this is not respected.

Under no condition even so neutralised canalisation cannot be given as a fertiliser to agricultural land. The law must be made to prevent this inhumane affair.

The law must be made to forbid all nuclear dechets to enter canalisation and rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. This is a big threat of present days and international government must deal with it urgently.



The global movement for peace and world unification can come from international carnival. It must be good organised, preferably at least in all countries of United Nations. Every capital of the country can see, accommodate and welcome such a movement. The date and duration must be agreed. It should be free thing. It should be great.

It can be repeated each year by making this international carnival a traditional happening.

PS. Please do not smoke on the place of its execution.


It would be stupid to put the censure to the artwork after everything that have been publicised. There is one other thing I recommend, though. It is that everywhere in front of the radio emission, TV program, song, book or similar art work there in clear and simple language in advance say what is going to be put in front of the public.

Especially these kind of things have to be specified – if that is tragedy, or does not have happy end, if there is killing, attempt of killing, thinking about the killing (who, animal or human), eating of killed being (animal of human) and carnivorous acts; if there is suffering of animal or human, if there are swearing or bad words in such art, if there is any sort of annihilation of the live being, accident, suicide or suicidal attempt, fight (and if it is ‘sport fight’ to be specified which kind and with which purpose), if there is suffering of any sort; if there is poverty with explanation how it came to it and with which purpose it is presented; if there is presented making of pollution or cutting trees; if there is stilling, why and with which purpose it is presented, if there is experiments on animals, why and with which purpose it is presented; if there is any kind of aggression, if there are health problems included, which, with what purpose and description of such diagnosis, if there is drug abuse, if there are erotic sequences between the people who are not married nor couples in real life (just to adjust and see it as art work), if there is a war, why and with which purpose, if there is any conflict with explained roots, if there is irony, satire, violation of self esteem of any kind, immorality, amorality, divorce (explained why and with which purpose), publicities minders and so on (maybe I forgot something, please add to the list).

Not just children, but all people will have free will to choose if there is need to be observers of such an art after they read what is about and they are prepared for all possible pain such art can cause to their idealism. It would be good, also, to exist some books, radio and TV channels which will be certified that they do not have none of those stuff.

Thanks in advance.


International World Central Computer has to solve the problem of keeping the information about the individual in safe place (with no possibility of Orwell’s scenario).

First of all, all living people need to be put in under their names, dates and place of birth. Additional information will be the land and house property they own/rent in Global Village. Personal information will include DNA filngertip (with its material kept of it in the special DNA bank), the fingertips and all biometry information. Also person’s will, and answer to two questions, i.e., declaration that if person dies and does not want to be organ donor and second, if person does not want to be cloned after the death under no circumstances. It will contain medical diagnosis and pharmacology information. Only medical stuff and pharmacist can with the special keys enter such individual information field. And, if necessary, special team of policemen can consult the dossier about the police record as well.

Same type of medical information will be held in special department for the pets and public animals. The information in CC will include whether animal and human are first time on Earth or are cloned.

Big tree of life, the family one will be formed after the DNA fingertips are entered. People who do want to be contacted by the relatives will have a special e-mail address so they can be reached. Others can be known to exist, but if they want, their privacy has to be the law.

The part of Central Computer will be that all public jobs and activities and their economies will be freely put on the internet with the daily updates so people can see them. Taxes will be also openly revealed so everyone will be able to know how much, where, to whom, when and how the taxes money is attributed.

The Central Computer has to be safe. It is a priority for the global society to exist such a thing. There is lot of ‘for’ and need for such a safety measure. Also, cloned people and animals can be sure that they are the only one with specific genetic code to exist at the time Exception is if they had identical twin brother or sister, or that their implanted embryo divides and that twins clones are born. It is important not to clone those who are already cloned and they are living – those information will be part of the Central Computer’s bank. Medical records and criminal ones will be centralised and reachable by specialists in necessary moment all around the world.


When the rivers become clean there should be possible to create channels that would connect two rivers or just channels that would form kind of lake. This should first be done in emergency sites that need it for agricultural or preserving of wild habitat needs. The channels that are coming from the sea and ocean should have kind of artificial roof where steamed water can be collected and purified for local water supply. It is not bad idea that those artificial roofs are standing upside the channels in all hot areas and bring back that water to the channel so no water can not be lost. Kind of artificial roofs with adjustable temperature would be nice as they will permit uninterrupted possibility of usage. Since its branching from the river, the future channels should pass through cleansing process. The canalisation should not be put into those channels so they could preserve cleanness. Those channels will be exclusively available for human swimming purposes. Neither boats nor ships will be aloud to use those channels. It would be nice that some of them are implanted with flora and fauna but not to be harvested or used in any other way than for peaceful cohabitation. We should provide vegetarian food for those animals.


Lets start by saying that trade of animals has to be forbidden. International team of zoologists must specify which animals can be pets and which ones need to live in a wild. It needs to organise reintroduction of animals that need to live in wild habitat to it, eventually allowing them to learn where they can find humanly prepared vegan food so they will not need to starve nor kill for food.

As for those animals that can be our pets, again, no buying them for money should be allowed. If you have a pet and want to breed it, you must check up firstly if there is no blood connection between future partners. You must also assure that those partners will stay monogamy partners and in future. You must provide that they are meeting at least once per month during their entire life, not just in the mating season if they already do not live together. You must also assure that there is some kind of short time unharmful contraceptive device so that the female cannot suffer from exhaustion and continuous pregnancies.

When you get young ones, you should by all means give plenty of time for youngsters to spend with their mother. You should visit your vet so they can get personal identification card and can be put into Central Computer database with all necessary information (try to the time your female pet gave the birth too). You should also allow father pet to be present as much as possible whilst youngsters are growing. When you find interested people who would like too spend their lives with those young animals you must give those animals as a gift, after interested person won you trust and showed you that it is well prepared in knowledge and wit about future pet it wants to have. You must assure that young ones will gather together with their mother and father at least once per month. I cannot highlight enough the benefits of such a culture.

People and children who want to have a pet must firstly prepare themselves for that. They must pass a little course, regular or distance learning one. They must find out everything about the type of pet they want to have. They must find out how to get vegan remplacement food if the animal type comes from carnivorous background. They must consider that they are obtaining the pet for entire life. They must be ready that, if happens that pet dies, they would clone it to live together again. They must see someone who already has that kind of pet and find out whether they could also give it everstanding welcome at home. All these teachings are to assure that person is well aware about the responsibility it takes by inducing a pet to family. Only after all these can something so serious as getting a pet who also has its own roots and needs its family gatherings at least once per month can be understood. They also must act as if it is pet for whole life.

Definitively is already proven that tobacco is bad for the health. It cannot even be sold in certain quantities in the narcotics’ shops because it is a harmful drug.

So tobacco fields will be reused or for another purposes. GPS will detect any field which aims to distribute tobacco and it should be destroyed.

Although, people can grow their own tobacco. What is important, smoking will be banned from all public places in the entire Universe.

Tobacco companies has to stop to sell already prepared tobacco in cigarettes. No cigarettes nor cigars for a sale, just tobacco with list of ingredients included in it attached. They can sell and scientifically explain efficiency of the filters. The smokers will have to make their own cigarettes from bought tobacco and that will make it easier for them to quit, it is such a hassle to make over and over again the tobacco. Two years after that, the tobacco altogether will be banned from selling, except for private planting.

I hope that Global Village society will be a non-smoker one. Raised temperature in smoking in the mouth is just not healthy thing – children intuitively know that and they are not smoking their alimentation. Space travel and landing on the new Earth-like areas will not bring with itself such a handicap.

Thank you for working for the health.


Circuses are very interesting until they are using just humans in it. Animals are not for such a life. Personally every person should teach its own pet a few trics but those animal should not be placed in the circus or forced to perform.

The animals from the circus should be legally taken by animal specialists and put into internmediate environment where they can learn again to live in nature. When they become ready, they should be put in the nature. If there are those ones which do not acclimatise to live alone in nature, they should be put into special big fields where humans will make for them shelter and care for their food and health.

Thanks in advance.


I think that it should exist climate control for the cities, as well as for the agricultural and public animals’ places. Probably 300 degree of Kelvin will be felt like already hot but this limit is to be chosen by residents of each city.

This thing is especially important for the too hot cities. I think that some kind of polymer roof can be put above the cities to diminish the temperature and to collect and give away water down on the same place as rain.

How far I have heard of, Nikola Tesla had been proposing such a project (something like virtual pyramids set above the city) already, only the patent is not yet publicly revealed. Nota bene, the same project includes obtaining the free electricity device as well.

Soon afterwards we can expect above each garden a mini virtual roof which would control the climate for every family individually.


This is very new field of work for humans and it needs some international reglementation. I am starting this subject by proposing the law of who can be cloned. Just after death of the animal or human the cloning can be done. Why I think so? Because of parallel with physics that declared that identical clone can be made only if original is destroyed. So if the body does not have life force within itself anymore, we should do cloning and expect identical clone to be formed. If original is not dead and cloning is done there will be twins made, and they deserve different names and they will have some differences as identical twins usually do. Even though can they have frapant similarities in physiognomy and behaviour, they are not identical and both of them are original.

So that is my proposition for law to be made. Lets give the nature that chance to make from same material two distinctive originals in the same time, ie., identical twins. Let us, as that is the mission of human, sew and repair that which has to be done when somebody’s life bulb switches off. From the material of dead individual we need to take genetic material, find the family which will rise it with love and care and which is in close relation with that person’s life and which would explain to it his/her past life.

The best thing to prove that after death cloned individual is identical copy of old self is if we do that in beginning (for at least a decade to be sure) with our dead pets. People who are ready to do that would need to inform own vet as soon as possible that they want to clone its dead pet and that they have some parts of its body (dead animal, or bones, or hair, something what is left). When the animal is cloned they need to watch carefully for its behaviour and to inform the vet about it. Best thing which can happen and which would confirm my hypothesis from above is if the animal shows signs of similar behaviour. If that happens to most of the cloned after death pets, we can pursue this method and clone dead humans.

Which dead humans? First of all there is no problem if mother wants to born again her dead child. But what we will do with others? En plus, what if dead dear person which we want to clone is part of our family, our blood, part of similar genetic make up? We will need in beginning to do that by family or family in law by in vitro pregnancy. The parents need to be someone who knew and loved those person when it have been alive, someone who would like to do such immense task and to adopt that child as their own. I hope that people can be strong and start to deal with this part of life without a problem. Dead person if needs new life in the same genetic make up certainly need most of all parents that would take care about it and be accepted as proper child.

There had been until now big problems in cloning the animal. What is worst, usually part of that research laboratory centre had in their complex slaughter houses to kill and get organs fron other animals. Surrogate mothers had big rate of unsuccessful pregnancies with big danger to themselves as the cloned child tended to grow much bigger than it needs so the mortality rate of mother is high. We should not anymore slaughter other animals to obtain ovules and other tissues. The scientific research is so much developed that there have already been breakthrough that from stem cells obtained from placenta and umbilical cord they succeded in special cultures to obtain ovules and create new organs. The ovules and uterus has to be developed that way. Than that ovule can be treated with genetic material which needs to be cloned and implanted in artificially live womb to grow up. Afterwards, if baby animal has been born, it should be put amongst of newly born animals of other mother so it can develop. When enough such type of unharmful animal experiments has been done. And if the cloned pets preserve the character of dead ones from which they had been cloned, we should be making artificial ovules and womb for developing of dead person which we want to adopt as our children afterwards. Like this and only like this the birth of the child will not pose the problem for mother which adopts it and there will not be need to slaughter animals and even women which reached menopause and do not have available ovules can be mothers.

Please, internationally discuss and ameliorate this idea. Only I am not yet adapted to accept the idea that married woman has pretension to mother her death husband or similar. That is why I think that at this evolutionary stage of humanity best thing is that parents to cloned person to be is woman from family or family in law. Much safer and ethically more acceptable and even I can say natural thing this can be. There are people who consider the best man from marriage and the godfather as family in law. This should be accepted.

One more very important thing to make clear. The person which lost its marriage partner which is now cloned need to pass through very big self test – it cannot be expected that cloned person will fall in love in the same person once it loved in previous life!!! So those person who watches and possibly is part of adoptive family for new life of cloned dead husband/wife need to continue to wish the best for its now ex partner so to watch him/her grow and even make up its new family with someone else. Can you do it? Everyone of us who loved someone and have been married until that person had passed over need to wish him/her best in the new life. Normally, the cloned person will grow up in knowledge what had been happening in its old life but they have to have possibility of choice. Even so, sometime, even those alive married person which stayed started its own life so both sides have to have that right. It does not have to be hard. If you ever loved someone you wish him/her well in all senses and on all sides. What better could happen that that person gained again chance to live. Probably you will be near that cloned child whilst growing and you can tell him/her all the stuff you had been passing through in its ex life. That will mean him/her a lot – so just do it- illuminate his/her past. You can always consider yourself as his/her ant/uncle – big and important position to be to young fellow. Wish him/her best future and respect this dear child which already had some history but has to be independent of it. Lets just hope that his/her life will be this time even better.

People, copuple of decades will pass before this happen to humans! If I was dead I would not be happy that people slow down process of my new reappearing on Earth again – its so lovely place to live in, so just let this things happen as soon as it is scientifically possible. It should be available for all people on the world.


You know what is already happening – music is available for downloading from the Internet. Public needs to be reached. But here is something much better – I believe that musicians should earn most of their money by making concerts. That is cool. Whenever they got the Internet message that some place has enough people interested to attend the concert, musicians should make concert there. Over the net the public is easily reached and with the downloading people are more motivated to share ideas and free publicity, so musicians will easily make concerts all around the world.

I also suggest two types of concert – silent and musical ones (this is concerning the public). Silent are those where just musicians’ performance is important and you are listening to them and absorb the concert completely. Musical ones are those where you can come with your instruments and pure voice and ‘catch the rhythm’, do it together, as all of you, musicians and the public are one group improvising together well known sounds.

With inspiration in good vibration,
See you on the concerts!


Lots of people would like some esthetical improvements. But there is one kind of aesthetic improvement which should be paid by social security. That is the effect of ageing process. All stuff which belongs here, lifting and annihilation of lines should be part of the culture and normal thing for everyone to do. Until now it was exclusively reserved for the rich and wealthy. It needs to be part of cultural education that when lines start to appear person go to, plastic chirurgian who makes the skin looks younger. Also the skin stretching which are sometimes necessary after woman gave birth should be free as well as stretching of the skin to the people who lost the weight.

It is our right to look best as we can and if there are techniques which help in that tendency we need to use them. Part of looking young is that person emanates with positivism. There is only small number of people who like to age. All the rest would like to keep young face and body. Luckily, the technology is here to help us in that subject. It only needs to be offered as part of free health care to all.

Big number of people would like to improve quantity of their hair. The hair implantation techniques must become available worldwide for commercial price.

Laser epilation (removing of hair for ever) needs to be offered to all people of the world too. Nut just down the arms, on the legs or around the genitals lots of people wants to get rid of hair and on another places, for example beard. Such chance should be offered to all and be affordable for all people masculine and feminine. Only attention, I do not know whether there is chance to grown again the hair on the place where laser removes it so that decision to pursuit such an thing must be final;


Seriously, there will be no difference in the countries. People can spread their maximum surface of housing which they can have in different countries in few homes. The minimum housing space (probably something like 50m2 for each adult person in entire Global Village every human will be entitle to own ((PS. International specialists have to agree how much minimum and maximum surface can be occupied))) can be obtained in the country of will after there are no more housing places in the country the person is born. The borders of countries will cease to exist. Pets can move with their owners, although they have to be regularly checked up by a vet.

It would be nice if person start to learn the language of the country it is in, at least basic expressions. It helps to be better understood cultural and historical heritage of the country.

Otherwise, there is just a sport competition which can ‘prove’ to the fans which country is better. Let it be lots of competition for all the countries!

The basic, Global Village Law has to be the biggest law. Range people in categories by the place they are born, not by their religion, colour of the skin, or anything else which is racist, that is the only global way of ranging them if necessary. I suppose that all countries will gladly gather together to bring the Global Village Law. It will be the good thing for the world; it needs to start with it quickly. Within a decade from now, the Global Village is expected to already exist in reality. Countries will have a geographical meaning. Few of them who are still for separating or unifying within some name need that to do by doing the referendum with voices of people which are residents or have a residence in such a place. People who had been become refugees from their own land have to get the same surfaces of houses to keep to continue to be residents of the same territory as before.

Please, solve that problem – if there is such a question of people insists that they have to occupy some territory –land, the government of such a territory has to give them minimum residential surface. Probably they will need to instead of houses build a lot of buildings for people. Afterwards they can continue to compete to see who is ‘better’ by having sportive competitions.


Put the hand on your mouth when you yon, sneeze and cough. If you have available and have time, put special handkerchief in front of your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
Do not put your fingers in your nose (use handkerchief)
Do not put your fingers in your mouth.
Do not chew your nails.
Do not spit.
Try not to fart and belch in the public.
Do not smoke in the public.
Shower and/or bath at least once per day.
Wash your hands before each meal, when you enter your or somebody’s home, when you go out from public or own transport.
Eat an apple when you awake and before the sleep.
Put your garbage in places where it can be recycled.
Keep your spine straight and your shoulders backwards.
Speak clearly.
If there are few of you walking in the pavement together, leave the space for the people to pass you easily.
Excuse yourself even if you just have unbalanced, fearful or racist thought or if you sweared aloud or in yourself, always try not to have it.
Do not think about anyone that is stupid – velocity of the brain behaviour is a relative thing.
Be friendly to the people.
Have a responsibility for your pets.
Be concerned to help our world.
Do not shout never and on none.
Do not fight, nor raise your hand on no one.
Do not lie.
Do not still.
Do not kill or accept that others kill for you.
Do not eat dead people or animals.
Control your diet.
Read a lot.
Complete your education.
Learn other languages.
Learn the medicine.
Learn the maths.
Understand the history.
Understand psychology.
Play the music.
Play a lot of child games.
Be sportive.

Never loose sense for humour.


I still do not understand what have the people being doing – arming themselves after Second World War?

The fact is, most of the countries have plenty arms and munitions. Individuals have it for proper use as well.

This is the proposal. Guns in the Global Village will be held just and only by police. Their bullets will be sleeping ones so there is no possibility that someone is hurt. All arm forces need to go to re-education to integrate themselves into the peaceful Global Village society. There is no more need for soldier’s job. They can still protect the life by being policemen or doctors. Those people need to be funded from the international taxes to complete their education and find new way for their life.

All munitions will be collected, in each village and city, from individuals and from the arms. I suppose this can be quickly, easy and smoothly done. International agreement will start the global collection. This is very important issue and all people have to know about it. All of them need to give away their weapons. All of these have to be selected and sent to annihilation, recycling or garbage. All this material has to be cleaned from radioactivity and explosive character. All this metal should be recycled.

I suppose it can be the holly moments, those ones of collection of the weapons. Maybe it will be just one place for each country where it will be held such gathering. People should make ceremonial and celebration in these days. Only the police will afterwards continue to have guns, and that with sleeping bullets only. Time has come that peace become reality. Everywhere.


No words can describe the importance of writing the diary. It will be great if woman starts to write the separate one when she becomes pregnant. Whilst the child doesn’t know to write, she will do the great thing if each day she put something what happened to the child. Those words will be given to the child as a present and it will be good for it to knows what it was passing thru whilst growing. When it learns to write in the school, then is the time that child itself starts to write. It would be good if there were some little education in the school which can stress the importance and methods for writing.

It is like the person has its own space coordinates of each day for ever in time. It is good thing for remembering of things. It is great for psychoanalysing own self after some time has pass. It brings importance to each day. It immortalises human life. That is one of the factors which shows the constant change and inner entity of everyone of us.

Writing the diary needs in itself a lot of discipline. You will se how far away you can go in excusing yourself and your life why you are not writing. It brings a new dimension in one’s life. Try it for each day for more than a year and you will see that that year brought to you better mental ability and en plus, you gained immortality of all days you have passed thru. Your point de vue is very important for yourself.

Even if the worst scenario happens and somehow the person dies, it will bring immense sense of the self-esteem for such person to have the diary of its past life once it has been cloned. The diary is strictly personal thing (except if person wish different) and has to wait for this very person even if it passed thru cloning experience.


Everyone has to pass thru formation where it learns the basics of the nutrition. It has to be free, paid by government course for the people. Everyone ought to know which fuel its body consumes.

After highlighting the public, such subject would need to be part of primary school so children will be able to understand the food concept.


I hope that this century will be called the ecological one. What that means? We need to deal only with renewable energies. We have to have non-poluant vehicles and activities. All garbage and things we do not need anymore need to be recyclable. All present species of animals and plants has to be preserved and protected from destroying. We need to take care and scientifically change food habits of carnivorous animals into herbivorous, including white of unfertilised chicken’s egg and mushrooms. We have to solve question of fresh water, bathrooms and food for whole world. We have to make all rivers, lakes and seas human friendly and clean. We have to solve the problem of garbage. We need to put limits on genetically modified food industry. We have to control the weather and adapt all living places to have human friendly climate. We have to put plants everywhere it is possible and to adapt lots of surfaces for controlled. We have to stop to use wood and to cut the tree only if it is very sick. We have to control the insects’ number and get rid of dangereous ones on public places by putting them in special insectozoo kind of prisons. We have to be able to predict earthquakes and volcanoes and to help local people to evacuate. We have to put in use nanotechnology and quantum power devices. We have to control and make public our sky and everything above the Earth – so all objects above (satellites, space shuttles…) has to be utile for human race and they cannot perturb anything down on Earth or present problems of any sort. We will have one day to have wrapper, envelope that will protect us from possibly stones and comets that would hurt life on the Earth.

Everything else I forgot needs also to be included here.


This is the best scenario that I can imagine.

When the child is born, the parents will leave classical job to raise it until the primary school which will start when child is 7 years old. They will choose some voluntary work where both parents and child(ren) can attend and enjoy together trip for about 10 hours a week. That will bring big importance of the family in child eyes as well as it will develop some sense of social usefulness and responsibility whilst working the voluntary work. If they did not have savings from before, they will each earn net 1000 euros per month and child will have his mini money as well. What is important they will be always together, the parents and child so they can give their best to raise it well.

Important thing is that child already attend some school before the primary one starts. It should be offered to choose between all musical instruments and pass thru explication for each one so it can learn its favorite instrument to play, learn the musical notes to read and to sing and dance. It should start to learn some foreign language as well before primary school starts. It should start with active training in some sport which it finds amusing. In this school for little ones it should practice friendships and socialising. Some of them can be attended by both parents and child together so they can all learn new thing. It is kind of hobby which child will already have.

Primary school will start with 7 years and primary and secondary (necessary minimum) education should last 12 years until the child reaches its adulthood and finishes the secondary school in 18 or 19 years. School will take all mornings and lunchtime will be ready to go home and there eat with its parents. Afternoons it can do its hobbies and homework, write diary and read books, and play interesting intellectual games with its parents.

Neither primary nor secondary school will have specialisation; all children should learn the basics of all necessary subjects in those 12 years (primary language and grammar, secondary language and grammar, third language and grammar, Latin language, mathematics, biology, geography, history, nutrition, physics, chemistry, music, art, sport, history of medicine, psychology, sociology, philosophy, computers and net (if I forgot something, add. They will not be all in the same year but some will be for all years)).

Classroom will hold teacher and maximum 6 pupils. I even think 5 should be the maximum but you have to choose the number. This number is par analogy on the proof that you are just 6 handshakes far away from any information and from any person on the entire world (for example, you have friend whose sister has teacher whose husband’s mum has neighbour and there you are – every person on the world and every person you can reach for sure (maths has proved). That is why I think 5 (or 6?) pupils can be very good friends and they can make clear one to another all ideas presented in the classroom. They can also easily help each other if there is some difficulty.

School, primary, secondary, University and hobby schools are free to inscribe in and to attend. There is possibility that teachers are on their voluntary work in school – maybe even with their young children they will hold the class. Other ones will be paid from global taxes’ money. The classrooms will be public spaces and if there is no voluntary people who will keep it into the order, global t-axes’ money should pay for people who will work there different jobs. Probably robots will do maintenance. Equipment will be donated by people or paid for from global taxes’ money. One more time to repeat, education is free. The best way to choose classroom will be the children from same area with similar intellectual inquisitivity.

The notes for the subjects that can be weighted are of 100%, 100 points from 100. The pass will be from 40%, only up till 50% the student would need to do further ameliorations before whole group of pupils continue. All this percents are for private purposes only. In CV and for applying for everything after the school in diploma will say just pass or fail. I believe that is much more fair system. All subjects will have continuous assessments so there will not be exam like necessity before University. Experience of exam like passing can be done in hobby schools, though.


The title says it all. Priority to invest the global taxes’ money for all people. Electricity should be so protected so none can get hurt from it. People should be taught about its basics. Electricity cables should be so arranged not to hurt animals as well.

Thanks in advance.


Look the last years – global worming is the fact. In most of cities people just avoid to run because they cannot catch sufficient breath. There is more. I do not want to start to complain here.

Within this decade we need to solve the problem of vehicle’s engines. If we don’t I am afraid that Global Referendum will back the decision that all vehicles except airplanes pass on electricity which is ecologic but with much lesser velocity. So whether it is hydrogen fuel, electricity or absolute non poluant fuel alternative, the decision has to be made within next 3-4 years and all vehicle makers need to adapt solution to exchange engine for nonpoluant one. All types of vehicles, all models need to put that new engine within next 5 years so in a decade from now (the latest) more than 99% of vehicles will have nonpoluant engine. Planes as well have to pass on something nonpoluant but lets give it few more years than vehicles – I expect problem solved within 15 years, nonpoluant all vehicles (years earlier than that all industrial pollution will have to stop as well).

Normally, for these new engines for the vehicles first safety and afterwards comfortability has to be included. As I said, it is also possible that new engines for vehicles will not succeed in beginning to rise big velocity. Because of future generations and because of our children and for our free breath, I do not think it will be anything bad.

To show your will to do this not only global referendum has to be done. Petition will be good thing. But maybe people can give their xoice in one day in year when they will not go to job, but also not travel private vehicules at all. I propose 2nd of January for Global Clean Day where with no driving the vehicle peole will give their will that they are for changing poluant to nonpoluant vehicle for sure.

Maybe we seriously succeed in this in such quick time and on global scale – and why not?


Global referendum has to be done about this. It includes answer on the question of euthanasing both humans and animals.

What if the next day sickness fades away? What if the next day the cure has been found?

I am very much against it. We choose to come in this world in particular body and we have to preserve the life formula forever in it. Only if death realy happens (not assisted, please) the genetic material can be used to clone another life being under same name in similar environment (family or family in law). But as far as I know even after coma lots of people experienced change of character. That can happen even after cloning, we do not know. Even if tendency to death exist just take it like it is forbidden for you and for everyone around you.

Most of global taxes’ money will go on medicine and development of cures for all diagnosis. Please, do not loose good spirit and belief that tomorrow you or your animal will feel better. Believe in medicine and development of science, I believe that we will find cure for all diseases soon after Global Village forms (people and information will be better connected and money will be properly invested in the health).

So give your animal all possible care and think constantly positive thoughts – that animal need at least to be so long live how long you are alive.

If you are very sick, keep yourself up – the cure will come, it is just matter of days. Survive! Be brave! I believe in all you, people! I believe that and in 300 years and in 3 million years we will love our Earth and be space travellers all around our Universum – in same bodies in which you are now whilst you are reading these words? Agree? OK?

Exceed pain. Your body and mind will serve to you. Never think that you will die. You will live and always ameliorate yourself, each day, every moment, always.

Thank you.



Mostly to news reporters (and they will forward that to others):

Please, stop to speak that America, or Washington, or name of the organisation said something. It is some person who give away the information and it is due to be named as a person.

Please, name the function of person in reportage as well as the name (and date of birth is not bad idea).

Please, name the full name of country about which one you are speaking (so it is United States of (North, by my opinion) America, or United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Than the children that learn geography will place their present into reality. If the names of countries are too long for you, than by referendum in the country the name of it can be abbreviated.

Why you are talking about celebrity’s death in one reportage, you name the person and everything it done, whilst in the second one you are talking about lots of people which are dead because of some accident and you just give me the number of the people not and their names and dates of birth at least? Both of them are person and both lifes deserve the same attention.

Can you start finally to use SI international system of units?

How you can present people like Bush or Tony Blair, for example which are guilty for attacks on innocent peoples’ privacies and their environment and for murder of innocent people? Can we see the judging for their crimes or world politics have clean hands of crimes? I do not have anything against to watch them publicly on the judging as they have been in public functions whilst their decision and actions sanctioned so much human lives?


This is open publicity to all to stop taking salt and sugar (glucose, sacharose and question about lactose after the age of one in humans) and to take it few times a year as a real narcotic. Surely you will get fit. Your skin will also get better. Try it. Hopefully the products in your supermarket will not be rare and too expensive.

Salt is collecting the water in organism. When you stop entering it, all your oedemas by my laic opinion will stop. On mechanic level it gives you after being in perfect crystal cubic structure and wanted to come back to its perfect structure a more rapid nerve impulse which acts as derivation in time on your own pace (my explication, needs proof – please do not use animals and children and they tend without thinking to get addicted).

Sugar is very quickly absorbed by upper part of digestive system. It raises blood glucose level so more insulin is needed to stabilise blood sugar. Lots of insulin has analgesic effect but also and it accelerates the process of ageing and brings you a hyperactivity, mostly in mental behaviour so you can tolerate more (good example are publicity on streets and TV unpeacfull scenes) without (my interpretation – please do not use animals and children as they will even expose hunger even after they’ve been fed if there is some sugary treat afterwards).

Learn nutrition. Calculate your carbs, lipids and glucids as well as energy per day. Write the diary about your nutrition. Be active in few sports. Do not use animals in the food so you will not feel guilty and try to forget by eating more.

Big thing is that pollution has to be resolved as soon as possible as people cannot breathe normally in polluted areas so they tend to gain more weight. You can check it, but I am talking the truth here.

PS, Please, if you want to discipline and urbanise your pet do not anyway use sugary or salty treat but something else which it can relate to and still it gives satisfaction. Do not feed your child with intention to distract it from something or to fell asleep.


I want you, international specialists to prove me this:

- Do they and why children need lactose (dairy products) and after one year old?
- Do they and why children need salt in their food, everyday, once per week, or ever (they do not seem to drink the water in mum’s stomach which is salty and they tend not to swallow salt in the sea?)?
- Do they and why children need glucose in their food?
- Do they and why children need sucrose (table sugar) in their food?
- Do they and why children need dead animals’ meat in their food (look at feel of quilt and swallowing the aspects of life in it).
- Do they and why children need honey in their food?
- Do they and why children need genetically modified food (except if it is some special medicament genetically implanted in)?
- Do they and why children need stimulant caffeine in their food?
- Do they and why children need gaseous drinks in their nutrition?
- Do they and why children need warm food (and how many degrees to be hot if good)?
- Do they and why children need cold food (how cold is dangerous)?

Then and only then I will be in peace after seeing the shelves in supermarkets and choice in restaurants.


Soldiers and military need to demilitarise. It will be left lots of airplanes. All those airplanes will have new mission. They will daily travel and send the food and water on all parts of the Earth. Food in the tin please offer and in no salty and in no sugary variant.

It needs scientific congress to be made and to find out how much and how many of the food can be sent from each country which has food to each country that does not. Global taxes’ money needs to be included here in paying for such a project.

There is no need anymore that people are hungry when there is plenty of healthy agricultural land on Earth.

It also can be sent quality land and seeds so people can make their own plants within the specially projected and built glassed gardens.

All food will have the standard that complete ingredients’ molecular chemical analyse is written on the box. It will as well include history of all the materials which have been put into the soil to bust the land from last 7 years. It will also include the proper sort and name of the plant as well as the information whether it has been genetically modified and how.


All recyclable parts of garbage need to be sorted by type into different containers. Robotised vehicles will pick them up on daily basis and send them to the places garbage can be recycled. It is important that people know where and how to pack the stuff. That includes and manufactures. For example they need to put the paper etiquettes on glassed box like that that they can be easily put off before putting glass in glassed garbage. And so on. We need to make this culture. Big percentage of the garbage can easily be recycled if we are doing process of classification right. The money from global taxes needs to be invested in this.

Attention! Street garbage and dirty water cannot be put neither to canalisation nor to garbage – it contains too much hard metals and toxins to be recycled with them. It needs some distinctive method for that. And manufacturers of vehicles need to think about it as well as street designers.

If agriculturers continue to use garbage to bust their land they need to specify on products where, which kind and how much of such garbage they used per square metre of land.


I understand that the gay couples want to have children. I have heard for the cases that male gay couples had a surrogate mother so now they have children. Gay females also can do an IVF treatment with donor sperm and have their own children to. I understand and respect and wish to all gay couples with children all the best. The child is natural thing to have in couple’s life and if you are sure that you are so-called ‘eternal partners’ than go for it.

I have one question for those interested. It is that there is some organisation of both male and female gay couples who want children so they can meet each other it would be great. Maybe both female couple and male couple can find a strong friendship link between each other. Than maybe they can decide to raise the family together, all of them. They can choose how and whose egg and sperm they will use to create a child, or give a chance to all partners’ eggs and sperm to be mixed and produce a child(ren). However they want to do. I think it is priority that they are respecti9ve ‘eternal partners’ and have great trust in each other and that they can live together so that the child can have two fathers and two mothers. I think it can be a great fun! No, seriously, I think it can be
a great thing for all parts of family.

Whatever you choose to do, please bear in mind the seriousness of having the child, obligations and so on. But if you feel like it, go for it. The world has to understand. Hopefully society will not pose a problem.



The Global Village is every place where human lives. It is included here all parts of our Solar system which can be habitable. Only thing for the places outside the Earth (in Solar\system or yonder) is that there will be no private homes, but we will need to make hotels or apartments for rent. That will avoid the problem that on some nice place just rich people live, or that only they exploit it. The maximum sizes of the homes in the space need to be internationally agreed. The same is worth for our Earth as all humans need to have some minimal home space to live in and it cannot be too big as well (the international experts have to agree about minimal and maximal size of human home). We also need to take in account that on our Earth animals have to have space where to live as well as plants.

If we ever find a place in the Universe where some other intelligent civilisation lives we should not try to conquer them. We can make the best possible contact if that is what would be the best. We should not try to expand our Global Village on aliens’ living space. Hopefully they will be well advanced and would not consider us as a food. The same works for us too.

If there will still be countries on Earth that’s fine in geographical, historical and sportive meaning (although some nationalities which want to be independent can change the name of area they populate to create new country). Politically, economically and so on, we should act and perform as Earthers (equivalent to Global Villagers).

We should start live in Global Village soon. It should be possible to say it whilst filling the formularies. Virtually you are Global Villager as soon as you start using the Internet. I do not think this shall pose a problem.

We need to have possibility when paying taxes to say whether we want to be paid on national, country’s or world level. I suppose that gradually whole world will want to pay taxes on world level.

We should have one monetary unit, one currency and one payment system.

We should live in international peace like already most megalopolises do.


This is the job for the firms that produce vehicles. They need to create GPS devices for all their models of vehicles and to forward that information to the public so people can implant it.

GPS system for the vehicles are clearly indispensable to have. The risk factor which is so big that hazard can occur and the accident happen will be considerably smaller. The idea is that such devices not only help person navigate itself by finding the way to reach its finish. GPS devices will also have proper measure of the dimensions of the vehicle so when there is some dangerous situation, ie. other vehicle is coming very near in dangerous speed it can automatically release antimagnetic (or something similar) mechanism so that accident will be avoided.

The project to have automated vehicle which will drive itself without our need to control it is much nearer if companies which made vehicles come up with GPS device. All these hundreds of millions of vehicles are not yet for the garbage. The problem is big to recycle all of that. The GPS devices for vehicles will firs make safer drive and second there is a prospect in the near future to have all driving robotised. The first step is that all car companies start to release such devices which will be easily implantable in vehicles.


I have two questions. First is: is it possible to create handkerchief for people who coughs and sneeze? The special material one which would stop all possible spread of infections by simple putting it in front of mouth? The only thing is, than, that person has it available in a time.

Second question is: is it possible to mass-produce wet handkerchiefs and made them available in pharmacies, supermarkets and places of public transport? Often after any transport, public or private there is a need to disinfect and clean the hands and there are wet handkerchiefs quite difficult to obtain. Please try to make both perfumed and neutral ones so people can choose.


Usually people have a tendency to write with either left or right hand. That is OK.

I wanted to propose something more: that person learns to write with both hands! It will not be the same handwriting. Probably this will be quite a hard task to do. But try it in your hours of rest, in times when you want to teach yourself something new.

I think it will be the great thing. What is more, probably there is some part of brain which will be stimulated to work as well. If nothing, it is a great fun. Sometimes, when you start, you will not be able to believe that both hands belong to same person. Just try it, why not?


The health insurance must be the right by birth. The taxes of working individuals and firms must be primarily concerned with health insurance. So, wages of the medical stuff, the medical instruments, and the drugs must be paid from the taxes. That is the priority. Because it belongs to public duty to be medical stuff, the wages as well as the prices of medical instruments, ordinations and medicaments must be publicly known facts.

If politicians do not agree with free health insurance within next 2-3 years, the people can decide to stop to pay wages to politicians immediately. Anyway, the politicians’ job must be part of voluntary mission.

The militants and soldiers which had been paid to work from taxes must find the way to re-educate themselves. Those jobs have to cease to exist as soon as possible. The police can solve any problem if there is one. That money from taxes can go in beginning to pay the builders of hospitals, cook in hospitals, cleaners and so on. Afterwards, this money must be better addressed in other purposes, medical or not, depends of world’s need and those jobs will become part of voluntary and/or robotised working force.

The medicaments which are just substitutes to preserving health can be payable and there is no place in pharmacies for them (except, for example, if person has medical condition which urges vitamins, those vitamins will not be payable and will be available in the pharmacy. Otherwise those kinds of ‘helpers’ should be available in a health store). The pharmacists will stop to deal with such a banal things like selling, they will be able to concentrate on the person in need.

I do not know if this exist in all countries (it would be good if it does), but there is one oath the future medical doctor has to give in a moment of obtaining his/her degree. It is called Hypocrites’ oath and it says that the doctor will help any person who needs it and will not try to choose which one he/she will treat and will not refuse no person which need medical help. Let it be so holy profession as it needs to be and let no medical stuff thinks about selling its own work. They would need to be paid accordingly, more than official minimal wages.

The health insurance must be automatic thing. There is a need for one personal international medical card which only doctors and pharmacists can decode. Than there will not be possibility for abuse. As well, that card will keep important information about blood group, allergies and previous and present diagnosis. It is necessary that each person have it always with him. If it gets lost, it should be sufficient to tell to first police officer and new card can be issued. If someone find lost card the best thing would be to give it to police. Probably best encoding system for such a card is fingerprint. If there is some even more secure way for decryption let international specialists say so. Those cards for all people on the Earth must be made within next few years. If someone did not like Central Computer proposal probably will be more satisfied with this international personal medical card. It easily can be sufficient thing. On such card the information if persom does not want to be organ donor if dies and do not want to be cloned once it dies must stand in, otherwise, the body of person which dies will be used for organ donation and in due time if there is family interested in raising it as a child it will be cloned.

PS. It will be always possible that rich firms make donation to health care in general.
PPS. Call me an optimist, but I am making a bet here that all of today’s existing people will have at least one formation in next 50 years in medical oriented field. We have to know what medicine means and to understand it.

PPPS. Animal health insurance is also included and free, paid from the taxes. All animals do need us. Even though they can be clever a lot, understand our language, do what we say and even know to number they do need our medical care if they develop some diagnosis. If some animal dies, the vet can use its body for learning processes, organ donation and taking up the body samples (like female’s eggs that can be used for cloning). The vet should also choose and give to dead pet’s owner the best body sample from which it can be cloned. If that animal has been pet of someone, it should be available to try to clone it if it dies for affordable sum of money.


People tend to keep one facial expression during whole day. That can go like that for years. It is also well known fact that there is not a lot of stretching of body and face done except the short after sleep stretching and yoning.

There is also a tendency to speak mostly with same voice without changing the frequency nor speed or accent. The only people who change all this are mostly the people who work in entertainment or are at some specialised artistic schools, or are children.

People do need to learn to imitate and improvise the things, persons and situations they think often about. They also shall let their voice sing loudly even if they do not know to sing. Slowly, after some time when they have learned to let their voice sing free without the melody and notes they should start to teach themselves to sing simple melodies. It can take years before they can imitate melody they have chosen but who cares? It is important that voice runs free and, eventually and absolutely naturally after lots of repetitions, people will learn to sing!

The imitation and improvisation saloons should serve those purposes and be open for everyone. Basics skills of imitation shall be explained. The people will be able to choose texts and movements they will be able to perform on little stages. If they are timid, they can be watched just by their families and friends. If they like attention, they can perform in front of unknown public. They should tend to acclimatise to such environment and be free to make different facial expressions, different voices and different movements.

I suggest one interesting thing to act for family members. Some of them can choose to play health professionals and some of them the person with the diagnosis. It will be interesting to choose the diagnosis. Person which chooses to act it should find out a lot about certain condition and how it affects individual person. This can be an interesting research and person should feel free in performing it. The person who acts medical stuff should learn and show the understanding of the diagnosis as well and trying the best methods in helping the patient. Other acts can be as friends or relative and their acceptance and understanding of the diagnosis. This can make an interesting intercommunication between the people and they will learn to understand the medical mission and treating the person who has some diagnosis. This is just a tip I found I can easily find interesting to perform in, either with family members, friends or people who are easy to perform in imitation and improvisation saloons as well. BTW, it can easily become ‘soap opera’ such an acting area.

This is great thing to win own timidity and for a short time go out of own skin and personality. This is the way how anyone can, on easy way, learn to express its ideas and passenger inspirations in words and gestures. That is also great and natural skill to gain so all those people who visit and perform in imitation and improvisation saloons will therefore obtain basic management and marketing skills.

Feel free to go there and enjoy your transformation time.


I will start by saying that there is no more cruel thing than to put the sanctions around the land where person lives (without a fair trial for such a person). I feel sick when I think about all degradations of life those persons experiences and I cannot speak about it. Only thing I am looking forward is to see the trial of heads of countries which had been putting the sanctions on other countries. Those heads of countries are guilty for lot of deaths, untreated illnesses and destroying of law, moral and family system in countries they have put embargo on. They are also guilty for stopping of natural process of evolution the society had been going through since its existence. They stopped the right of person to walk freely on its own Earth where it had been born. I will stop here and am looking forward to see on the television and hear on the radio those multiple international trials and adequate punishments. As they had been acting for millions of people publicly and have destroyed sovereignty of countries they have put embargo on, those trials will be public for the sake of victims of sanctioned countries and for the sake of their own millions of people whose opinion they have represented by putting the sanctions.

The international public trial is also needed for heads of countries and all other responsible people which had attacked other countries and are guilty for the deaths of innocent people without the agreement of UN.

The international public trial is also needed for the people who had occupy another country and are guilty for destroying of standard of innocent people without agreement of UN.

The international public trial is needed for heads of countries and responsible people who have detained people who had not been proven guilty.

All nations should become the part of United Nations and all should have the right to vote and bring decisions which help the evolution of international society. Heads of countries that oppose United Nations decisions should carry the consequences and trials if they act differently. Here I will tell that synonym for United Nations must be the Global Village or whole world which I am trying to define in this book. Most of the urgent goals of international politics can be found in this book.

Give independence (new country) to the ethnic groups which search for it which do not already have their country. Do it on the place where they are most populated. Employ for 5 years international administration which would make a road for future democracy in such country.


It must be found a way that all the stuff on the Internet cannot be under hacker’s attack. The Internet is the beautiful thing which connected the whole world. Let it be safe absolutely. It also must be virus free.

Internet must become available in all countries. The cable and ADSL must be available. Wireless hot spots must be everywhere on Earth so people can have access to Internet on all parts of the civilised world. Do not delay with this implementation.

Looking forward for such reality.


There are already lots of jobs which will cease to exist soon: military and soldiers, meat industry workers, workers on country borders, crude oil fuel industry for vehicles, paid politicians, hunters, stock market earners, direct sellers (where robotisation will be implanted), cleaners will also be remplaced by robots, illegal jobs and more. If they do not find immediately other jobs all this people must be reeducated and work at least 8 hours a week for social minimum. If 3 billions of people all around the world which loose their jobs or do not have a job, or are students adopt a politics to have 8 hours of some work they choose per week the world will see bigger productivity and higher social minimum.

The working week must come to 24 working hours. This will open few shifts a day with more workers.

By doing distance learning people will than have a time to complete their education and obtain their degrees. The distance learning must become available everywhere in the world and in all languages for free or very low commercial price indeed.

It would be nice for child of preschool age to go with its parents and that they together do some adequate voluntary work together. It would give a sense of responsibility to the child. It would understand how society functions and it would gather basic working habits like that.


There is two bad characteristics of typical metallic keys: they are heavy and can be lost and there is a chance that robber will go through such door with universal key.

I suppose that the time has come to do individual doors and personal entrance for it. The best solution would be to have fingertip and something else recognised before you can get a pass. If someone comes without it in the house the police alarm would start immediately and they would come quickly.

The fingertips of whole family can be in the memory of the door and the urgency people (medical stuff, police…) would have automatic pass somehow.

If person wants to give the rights of opening the door to someone else, it would suffice that they together legalise such an act in the police station (or police would come to the person’s home if person is unable to go to the police station).

It would make life much easier and it would stop burglars of doing such illegal jobs.


There exists daily need for the proper laugh. The laughs laboratories are places which people can visit and where everything will be motivated by laughs. There will be cinema rooms where people can choose different types of comedies and enjoy them. It should be available in lots of languages and for all ages. There will be room for historic studying of laugh. There will be scientific researches on that subject as well. It will be also researched sense for humour of animals but without forced experimentation, please, just spontaneous recordings of own pets. There will be sound capabilities so people can listen to different laughs and can listen to their own laughing recorded elsewhere in the laboratory. hey can give these recordings for the free library or just take them home for themselves. Some people will want to be the subjects of scientific research of laugh so those facilities, properly explained, will be available as well.

There will also be live stand up comedians from time to time. Even people who come and know something funny, some good joke can go on that stage and perform a bit.

It will be also possible to come with whole family and do ‘tickling sessions’. For each case, because sometimes if person is very tickled it can loose the breath from laughing, nearby will be available medical stuff. Otherwise ’tickling sessions’ are great fun for a family and it brings big closeness between them. Sometimes in reality family members tend to adopt ‘an actor’s role’ so they tend to always be serious, or bit distant or whatever. The ‘tickling sessions’ would make a child again from such a person. I am betting that every person can laugh from tickling even if they had been sure they are not tickly ones and they do not laugh often – there is just a method and spontaneity and relaxing mood needed together wit a pair of willing hands. By the way, even rats and mice tickle each other and they laugh in short barfs in pretty high pitch but you can hear it (they are very social animals).

There will be professional stuff (psychologists, please!) that will do ‘tickling sessions’ to people who come alone as well.

So, enjoy it. You can continue at home and make ‘tickling sessions’ part of your family day.


I mean, this is necessary as it possible can be. All people must become the residents of the country they currently live in. They must obtain valid legal papers and international free health coverage.

All people must freely and without a fear apply for legal papers.

This is a must. Do you know that there are generations of people who do not have legal papers? This is a shame for all politicians which have been politicians until now.

The legal papers must have something individual that person cannot falsify it or give to someone else (like fingerprint, for example). Please, if known, give and exact time of birth, not only the date.

We should also be able to obtain internationally respected legal papers for the pet(s) we have.

Both us and our pets can legally travel in all countries of the world. This is an axiom.

Can we stop fear of ‘Big Brother is watching you’ fear and make these legal papers internationally welcomed and put onto international untouchable Central Computer?

Thanks in advance.


Here I will be a bit awkward in explanation but it is worth of checking it. Some sportsmen do not like to be video recorded during their competition. They should be free to express it and therefore not be recorded. They can enjoy support from their public which came to watch them live.

Other sportsmen like to be video recorded. They should express so and all professional recordings should be available on special sportive channels. There must be enough sport’s channels to cover all sports’ competitions. Therefore the people who want to watch their sportsmen live can do it in real time on their TVs.

This is an important feature to have, live report from all sport competitions. That would raise public awareness about the sport and give them plenty of chance to find their favourite sport and sportsman/sportswoman.


Thank you for your existence. Each time I pass near manual worker I use the chance to say good day, ask how it is going. I like also to bore some of them with the questions what they are doing, why and with which purpose. I find it amazing that most of the things we see in daily life had in some moment touch of manual workers.

This work can often be dangerous. I suggest that all manual workers do not work more than 4 years that job. It is very difficult to do it for longer. Please let the taxes’ funds be free so that manual workers can complete their education until the levels they tend to be at. Also they should be able to do some voluntary work, preferably in other fields so they could gain the social minimum and see the life from different perspective. For some of their jobs they can open voluntary agencies so people can choose to work there for a while.

Important thing which has to remplace most of the manual workers’ jobs is the robot. This feature is already so developed that it can research, and it does, other planets. I mean, the robot’s science have been developing for half of century and we should put it to work in manual jobs.

The internet site and, preferably, a TV channel should serve towards that purpose. The people can see the direct application of AI (artificial intelligence) in replacement for the manual jobs. This should happen rapidly and smoothly. Because this is the ‘cutting edge’ technology, the taxes’ money needs to be invested in development of AI. Hopefully pioneers for the AI will see more motivation to make manual worker robot than to make a robot for researching of space (this is bigger priority to deal with in next decades).


First I will start by saying that I wish that everyone finds its ideal partner. When you find each other it is the most normal thing to acknowledge your relationship by becoming ‘eternal partners’, either by saying that one to another or doing it publicly in a form of marriage.

Even though I suppose that there is a number of people having so called ‘open relationship’ (polygamists), the marriage should be kept exclusive thing between two chosen people. The marriage between people of same sex should be allowed and have the same rights as the marriage between couple of opposite sex.

There must be some kind of checking up before marriage so that is sure that person does it with its own will. The person must have more than 18 years for such a commitment. Medical international specialists must declare how far the relatives must be in their blood connection before they can marry. Inbreeding does not bring good results to anyone.

Divorce should be allowed if the couple does want to break relationship because there are certain differences that do not let them shalter together their lives. If they have child(ren), the adequate official court should judge and precise what will happen to child(ren). They should do divorce in a peace and with dignity.

There must not be the place in reality for compulsory marriages. If in such marriages partner wants divorce its will must be listened. If, in some case, there is a danger that partner fears persecution and oppression of its surroundings after the marriage, it must be possible that government helps such partner to install itself in another place to live.

If the marriage partner dies, those one that has left should consider it self free to realise another relationship and eventually marry again if life goes in that direction. Even though there is big possibility that that dead person will one day be allowed to live again with the help of cloning technique and parents which took an obligation to bring up such child, the left person should not consider the renewing the relationship with cloned person as the thing ad acta. They should more take and act as ‘big brother’, or ‘big sister’ and be easy to reveal to cloned person the details of its ex life. The cloned person should be considered as a new person with its own new way to choose to live its new life, thus considered free choice to fell in love and find its own ‘eternal partner’ for the first time in its present new life.

The couple which agreed that they are ‘eternal partners’, the parent(s) of a child, and a widower can by all means follow this instruction if they find it applicable. They should be allowed to put in front of their names the title Queen or King in all official and unofficial correspondences. The children and all people who do not consider themselves as Queen or King are automatically considered as Princess or Prince everywhere in the world and they can put this title in front of their names whenever they wish so (I do not know whether they would prefer it with capital or small letter though). This would bring the great joy to all people. By its definition it also nicely describes the perimeter of one’s kingdom. In every democratic society this should be allowed and legal thing to do. Should not the law forbid such an honour to none that wants to bring royalty codex to one’s life.

Thanks in advance.


The massage is quite a useful skill to have. It is good between eternal partners that massage is performed regularly. Also within the family as well as friends the massage has usually very good welcome.

It will be good if there are some professional cheap courses of introduction to massage so people can easily learn how to do it. There are some basic lessons which need to be learnt before one attempts to do it in beneficial manner. Also, people should find it easy to access and find out more about different types of massage on one place. I suggest that professional physiotherapists open practice schools and make available to grand public basics of initiation into the science and art of massage.

There are lots of benefits of massage. It would be great if person can easily access the teaching and practicing courses so that afterwards can implant it into own private life.

The medical aims of professional massage should be left to people who have the degree in such a profession. Recreational massage should be something every person has as its general knowledge. That is why I recommend kind of ‘vulgarisation’ of the process of massage.

Thanks in advance.


I will start by claiming that more than 98% of people would not kill the animal themselves in order to eat it. Most of people would say they would kill if they are hungry and if there is no other available source of food. Such an extreme case I will not consider here and it should be an exemption.

There is also a lack of knowledge when people say that animal meat is something their organism needs because of protein. There are other rich sources of protein like in white of unfertilised chicken’s egg (100% pure protein), mushrooms, nutritional yeast and various nuts. The vitamin B12 can be obtained synthetically and it is contained in some types of nutritional yeast. Taurine as well can be found in certain types of nutritional yeast and it is anyway mainly produced synthetically.

So I will ask you here that you stop eating dead animals’ meat. Search from the common shops, restaurants and supermarkets to give you the choice so you could choose so called ‘false meat’. Find out whether you are allergic on mushrooms so read carefully the labels. First of all your sense for smell will improve with this change. Your inner moral being will certainly be satisfied. I suppose it should not be too hard for you to do it. Anyway most of you would not kill by your hands so why paying someone to do it for money?

There is number of people who will find this ‘evolutionary switch’ hard. That are people which work in ‘dead animal’ industry. I believe that the taxes which are regularly paid to the country (or ‘global taxes’ paid to all world countries) are here to help them find reorientation and different job. The psychologists will also be necessary for some of them to help them acclimatise.

The slaughter house must be available for public TV screening so people can find out what is happening there and decide for themselves about their eating habits. Programs and scientific reports about animal intelligence and sense for sadness should be available everywhere in the world and shown in all applicable TV channels. People will easier make their decision when they have good insight in this type of reality report.

Children should not be pushed to eat dead animals as they would not kill animal for a meal anyway. The children have much more vivid morality principles and I am betting that they would be happier in general for such standard. It is hard to believe but people with good sense for smell as well as vegetarians mostly can recognise other people who had eaten meat because that smell stays for couple of hours in the mouth. Probably the source of such smell is the cholesterol as it is detectable when person had eaten yolk of chicken’s egg as well.

So, easily and morally the dead animals will not be anymore sold. Probably those stubborn people who whisper for meat will need to kill the animal with their own hands but it won’t be anymore animal trade possible. Looking forward to see the international law which would forbid killing of animals in global.

It will be easy to persuade pets to become vegetarians. Maybe in first days you can mix vegetarian food with prepared both white and yolk of unfertilised chicken’s egg (not raw, it is dangerous!) so that pet easily goes off cholesterol. The cats must have suitable sources of B12 and taurine so if there is no cat veggie food on sale it must have on daily basis nutritional yeast with B12 and taurine or those elements added synthetically in classical veggie food that you eat as well. The dogs can be on vegetarian diet but they would not mind those substitutes from time to time. ( In the year 2002 I have read about ‘oldest living dog’ who was a vegan and was 27 years old).

When we succeed not to have anymore hungry people in the world, we should aim to leave suitable vegetarian food with fortifiers on different places of wild areas so, gradually, carnivores will stop killing by hunting but will eat what internationally raised foods by known and recorded equipped vehicles left for them in a wild. It will also be souhatable that those animals will still need to run a bit to obtain their free veggie food. This should be recorded by a TV channels so, finally, children can watch wild life stories without traumas by seeing that person had been standing quietly and recording for the TV without the intention to help animals not get chased and eaten by a carnivore.

All these should not be necessary to watch as a difficilt and far future. With politicians and economists and all peole doing their own work towards ‘Global Village’ reality this should be the adequate steps in our evolution and development.

Thanks in advance.


Medical profession must be paid from the taxes money. It is violating of Hypocrites oath to help only patients who have money to pay. It is disgusting and inhumane that in a moment of need for medical help person needs to think about money.

I tend to believe that within next few decades all people of the world will finish some medical formation. This education and understanding of one medical field will give an adequate ground to speak with medical stuff in easy language about any possible medical problem.


All people should have active sport activities and, by my hypothesis, salt and sugar free vegan diet if they want to push forward coming of menopause. Women should harvest their eggs and freeze them before the menopause begins. The same is worth for men’ sperm because there is a possibility of mutation and degeneration due to challenging diagnosis they might develop.

The adult stem cell research urgently needs to work on obtaining the eggs and sperm for those who lack it. The couples thus can become parents in any point of their adult life. This should be the immense step for humanity in forward direction.


We need one currency for whole world. I propose the euro to be the global currency as it had already connected different nations. All the banks of the world must unify in one global bank and it must offer zero interest rates, as the inflation must cease to exist in the economy.

The minimum money will therefore be one euro, thus avoiding the global nonsense of smaller units. There is no more need for paper or metal money so that unhygienic dirt and electromagnetic field it produces can be avoided. Every person who reaches 18 years and passes the introduction of safe usage course can get his or her international credit card. All transactions can be done with help of such card, so there will be no need for checks and virements anymore. The card will work on safe biometry device and such intelligent gadget will be also implanted in personal computer.

The social minimum will be 1000 net euros per month. People who work can gain more but under no circumstances there will be available more than 4000 net euros per month. All people who are rich and have higher profits have three choices to do: whether they will put it into global bank so they can assure in the future when they are just students that they touch more than social minimum’s 1000 euros; another is that that overall money that has been accumulating on account for some time invest in creation a productive firm so they can invest money and pay the people that work there and third, donate the money to particulars or for some legal cause.

Eventually, if they do not spend all of the money during the month it will accumulate itself on their account. But the people need to pass the course so they can assure that they can economise on their monthly budget, as ‘overdraft’ will not be possible.


I suppose that creating and living in the Global Village will be enthusiastic enough that we can finally find enrapture and satisfaction of our early child years. I bet that no narcotics will be needed at all. But first we need to organise this field.

The places with high production of chemical narcotics need to be found and their manufacturing ceases to exist. The police must be persistent those places and disallowing its future work.

As for fields with narcotic plants in growing they should be found using all techniques available (GPS amongst others), and people who cultivate them found. They should legally oblige to do it for the government, and, if there is any need, precise and make contracts for future as well. Just pure fresh or dried plants and mushrooms without chemical transformation should be sent to specialist ‘narcotics shops’ all around the world. The narcotics shops should have secure data base. People interested in consuming narcotics, after admission for such an act from two psychiatrists should get special international narcotic’s card so they can visit the narcotics shops. They must be at least 21 years old, but if psychiatrists find they are immature or clinicly incapable for consuming narcotics they must wait until it is safe for them to use narcotics. The point is that with that narcotics card they can buy some amount of drugs. They must sign whilst buying that they will not give that narcotic to anyone else, that they will not cumulate it and then use increased amount of drugs and that they will not cumulate different types of narcotics and use in one trip. They should also sign they are doing it on their own responsibility. I suggest that, apart from obtaining the certificat of aptitude from two psychiatrists they should pass some course where they can learn more about types and effects the narcotics do and pass it successfully with a promise that they will apply scientific approach in their narcotic consumption and will write special diary whilst on narcotics or immediately after which afterwards can study for themselves (those diaries should stay absolute private ownership of the person included; neither medical stuff nor police can ever have legality to access them).

The maximum amount of the narcotics will be allowed per month without a possibility of exceeding the limit. If the person is very near the limit for continuous three months, the amount of accessible narcotics must change and diminish a little. If even after 6 months person still takes up till limit dose, his psychiatrists must speak with him to see whether he developed some deeper problem so needs to interrupt the consumption or he can continue for 6 more months on the same dosage. Bear in mind that if there is continuous consumption during one year, the person will be allowed to buy even smaller doses of narcotics but only every second month with imperative pauses of three or six months of periods without narcotics at all (to clean their system from them) Once per year the person should visit his psychiatrists and, if wants, find his own psychologists to exchange his experiences and talk freely about them.

Only way to tackle drugs abuse is that pharmaceutical firms somehow tighten its protocol for getting them.

The remark: I hope my idea was clear. For example, the dried cannabis plants will be available in narcotics shop (but preferably for other consumption than by smoking because the process of smoking is quite health dangerous. The smoking of narcotics should be banned), but not processed hashish. The leaves of cocaine will be available for chewing but not processed cocaine dust for sniffing and injecting (which should anyway be banned because of danger to the central nerve system it poses). For special hallucinogen narcotics like cactus peyote for example, the person who takes them must have available career that can call the ambulance if the trip goes wrong. My humble opinion is that the dosages of visual mushrooms already freely sold in Netherlands are quite big for some people, so people must try little of any dosage they get because they can be too sensitive which can lead to range of complications. The best idea for all eventualities is that in the first trips person spends time with someone who person really loves and trusts.

I do not know whether planting a narcotic plant in own garden or house should be OK things to do. If so, it must be internationally decided and specified the amount of plants one can posses.

Do not make habit of it if you go on that road. Anyway, some projects I am proposing in this book, or even better, your own success in your own legal field should bring you even more of special and content feeling you are searching for. Succeed not to use any narcotics if you have child until he/she reaches 21, which is the best I can recommend here, even if psychiatrists say you can.


This project is a quite tricky one and I suppose that very rich people will not like it. The important thing is, do not let few rich people to rule out this or similar to this scenario.

The minimum surface of living home must be attributable to each person when it reaches 18 years of age. It can be some small affordable amount of money to pay out in the months since it moves in but it should just cover the expenses of building and eventually maintaining that home. The minimum of surface must be equal everywhere in the world. The best idea is that that home can be certainly obtained in the country where person is born. Afterwards it can exchange that home for some other in another country if it resides somewhere else.

The maximum of living space should also be limited. That means, it needs that exist accurate data base of each country and all living places and that that it is known for every person how exactly much surface area it occupies. The person’s identity should be obtained by accurate biometric method.

The international world specialists with PhDs in environment and architectural planning should give range for minimum and maximum surface area all adult people can occupy. For example, if the minimum surface is 50 m2 , and maximum 200 m2, there should be no person who occupies more than 200 m2 of living surface (apartment(s) or house(s))on the surface of the world. The calculation before limits of the habitable surface are agreed must be made by taking in account all properties that are not for habitation (but work, exposition, education and so on). Also think about the possibility that all people have maximum of living space. Take in account that most of the population will just age and not die. Take in account possibility of increased human natality rate. Take in account that lots of animals will breed quite considerably once we put a ban on killing the animals. Take in account the need for green surfaces. You should take in account all necessary factors for calculating minimum and maximum surface for homes. You should also calculate how much maximal each person on the world can have garden surface for itself, calculating that all people of the world have maximal surface of garden permitted (but left the land areas for those who want to work on it for welfare of humanity (only it cannot anymore be officially and for ever property of one person or one family but property of the whole world with some people who found their will to be workers on such land to be workers there (first it must be asked the people who had owned that land whether they want to continue to work there before giving job to other interested)).

I suppose that within a decade or two, it will start the project that all houses in the world become buildings so more people can live in them and occupy less Earth’s surface areas. People must understand and welcome this change. Left over just houses of historical or cultural meaning to serve as museums for humanity.

The point is, whether person occupies minimum of surface and pays it soon afterwards or occupy bigger surface up till limit and pays each month some amount of money for it it must be affordable thing to do for all people and on whole habitable Earth. The hotels and bad & breakfast (B & B) commodities must be affordable for students-pensioners to spend there a month of more of the holiday as well as for the working people. Normally, B&B and hotels should be a bit more expensive than classical empty house but anyway all of themaffordable for any adult person on the world.

Those ones that currently have more surface areas than upper limit (which is, for example 200 m2) can do different things with it. They can sell it. They can rent it to people. They can give it to cousins or friends. They can give it for usage in some legal causes jobs or charities. They can have B & B from extra space. The people should be prepared for this limitation and try not to have more than they need (I must say even 200 m2 in my example is quite big surface area for one person to live).

This project shall bring complete satisfaction to humankind, as all people will be able to have home and not to occupy to big space themselves. Certainly prospect of having a little garden should be welcomed by everyone, too.


All people on the world should be organ donors if they die except if they specify they do not want to. The parents of the child should note in his health record if they refuse that their child act as organ donor if it dies, otherwise it should be accepted as possible to save someone other’s life from its dead organs.

People can also specify if they want to give some particular part of the body in special legal purposes (research, for example) if they die. Anyway the law must be agreed on and passed so that organ donation will be more understood and people on referendum can vote whether they are for this proposal of automatic organ donation except cited otherwise.

If some person dies it should be legally taken some part of its body and preserved in few different specialist genetic banks so afterwards when that will be possible and future parents exist, it can be cloned. Every person should be considered that if it dies deserves and needs to be cloned if there are suitable parents for it. Only if it state differently on its health card, with agreement of group of doctors and psychiatrists, it will be cloned when the possibilities permit.

The organ donation also works for pets as well, only owners can decide if they do not agree with organ donation and research on the body of the naturally died pet and it can be cloned, when the circumstances permit if person wants it. The public pets should have the same rights but they need to have people who will be concerned with their future and help them out if they die to be organ donors and to clone them especially if they are threatened species (not big population).


We should learn how original names are written in original language as well how they are pronounced in original.

People must agree internationally about original names. For example, the chemical period system of elements is written in Latin language and it should be pronounced by their Latin, not common names. The same works for all scientific fields. People must understand the stuff they are talking about by knowing the coordinates, writing and spelling of the term they are using in original.

The same works for the geographical names of countries and its capital towns. We should know how the habitats of the certain country write and prononce its name and we should write it in original on our geographic maps.

I suppose that with little effort people will adopt this principle (maxim, axiom) without big difficulty. It should pose nice intellectual challenge as well. The general tendency should be that all names with capital letters, if possible, are written, pronounced and understood in their originality.


It already exist few types of fast growing bushes that can be used without problem, cheaper and quicker to produce paper. This should be the only source for the paper. Do not delay anymore this transition. Do not forget to plant no genetically modified trees on the spaces you had been using for deforestation. Thanks in advance.


There must be the greatest thing on the world when they learn they are expecting the child. The parents’ education courses must be offered to all couples where woman is pregnant with the child or already has the child.

On these classes future parents will learn lots of things and virtues that will help them prepare better for the child. It will include learning of international sign language as the baby who is couple of months old can easily learn it and show the parents that it wants to go toilet without need to formulate it in speech. They will learn basics of the hairdressing. Basic sewing and modelling own clothes. Basic things they need to prepare and afford for healthy growing youngster. Bunch of smart games that will help develop inquisitive child with its favourite games and open for daily research of the new ones. Help create and affirm social skills with other children Way how to create ‘musical ear’ of the child by helping him repeat with its voice and mini musical instrument melody it hears. The basic stuff about hygiene and healthy vegan food choices as well as introduction into nutrition and basic genetic and physical equations which cover and scientifically explain the development and growth. How to avoid and deal with traumatic experiences. Importance of writing the daily dairy with observations of child’s development (which afterwards they should make it in two examples and give one to child as well. Basic of grammar and proper prononciation. Calming and annihilating the stress and nervosas so they never show it in front of child. The value of healthy laugh and daily exercises.

Than, when child grows up a little and starts asking questions the parents should have enough knowledge to describe basic stuff, between others: how electricity works and what makes light, how fridge, oven, water pipes, boiler, canalisation, television, radio, computer, Internet work. Necessary things about traffic. What is money and how plants grow and why we are taking care about animals (please do not show them programmes with carnivorous animals because it can be very traumatic thing). What are fiery stories and how to understand, read and write properly musical notes and letters in sentences. Good preparation and intense performance where child can see and touch before it chooses its musical instrument to play. Introduction to bunch of languages from which it can choose which one it will start learning. Introduction to lots of dansing and gymnasticly based classes so it will choose its sportive activity from there. Introduce it to different pet-animals so if interested it can prepare itself and start to have its own pet about which it will learn and apply how to take care about.

It would be great thing if parents can choose and spend some time every week with the child doing the voluntary work. This will be great experience for the child, especially if there is some possibility it can contribute a bit, be amongst all ages people as a part of the group and understand what is going on.


Most of the streets on the world have vehicles parked on them. It is an emergency to give this way so that pietons can easily walk or make some tracks for rollers and skaters and even bycicles if that already doesn’t exist. The very best is to plant the trees on all of those places.

The parkings should be made underground if there are no possibility for above ground special buildings for parking. Those underground parkings should be public ones with a little charge which would help maintain them functional and pay to people who keep them working in the order wages.

It is so disgraceful that no only proper pietons can not pass the street without knowing and respecting the traffic rules but everywhere can be seen vehicles parked which just take more space from the people.

I do hope you will not wait for this to be realised. It is not so difficult dig the land and build the underground parking building, especially now when all that is automatised. The money from the taxes must be invested in this project. Looking forward for freer streets and better vision of the street area as well as the commodity the pietons will get.


Patents belong to intellectual property rights. To become patent, the invention must satisfy these criterions: the definition of the invention is one technical solution to technical problem, it must have industrial application, and it must be new and include an inventive step forward.

There are two things that need to be changed in attributing patent rights. The first is that product that consist of or contains biological material cannot be patentable. All of human genes, for example, are value for humanity, the discoveries, not inventions, and its knowledge must be the pledge for well being of society. So-called ‘knock-out’ laboratory animals must be granted decent lives and be given to people who want to adopt them and its patent rights must be withdrown. Having their genetic material already modified and incidence of illness thus often developed, those people will be able to search for proper medical care and help in treating such disease if they occur in their pets adopted from laboratory. It must be avoided continuous breeding of such animals, please bare it in mind.

Second annulations and closed possibility to obtain more patents at all is for the inventions that human health and well-being is in urgent need for. Pharmaceutical houses that make medicaments for treating the diseases must share their knowledge and research with all other pharmaceutical houses from the very first moment knowledge and understanding appears. This will bring down the monopoly of the big pharmaceutical houses and will even all of them in the same purpose – curing the disease. The medicaments simply cannot be patentable thing at all; otherwise, the economic value is exceeding global health value whose witnesses we had been until now.


I have seen people who become pensioners. Most of them look like they have lost the plot. Most of them feel bad for not contributing to society anymore. The worst of all is that most of problematic health issues arise when person become a pensioner.

The idea is that people until they are alive and still have ability to help society should do so. I recommend that pensioners’ pension is conditioned by at least half of year working at least 8 hours a week so they can obtain it. The other part of the year should be their rest time if they feel like it. I recommend that they have the same rights (almost a obligation if they want) to study and intellectually develop their grey brain cells. The rhythm of putting them on the preparatory courses for the University as well as following other interesting formations must compile with their own pace. They should give themselves best possible chance to learn new and attain new understandings and knowledge. I suppose that this can help in big manner in suppression of all degrading processes the mind and body would otherwise pass through. Feel free to prove that I am right and that even in 50-60 years since you became ‘pensioner’, you still learn and do some adequate voluntary work.

Until you are a student or do voluntary work you should be, as well as all students on social minimum money (by my proposal, it should be net 1000 euros per person and for whole world). If you feel like it, you can always work in proper job and attain to the maximum of net 4000 euros I proposed to be per month. And please do not forget always to be active and inquisitive. I believe you can do it.


First some good language culture. You do not say handicapped person, but person that has an handicap. As well, you do not say, for example, you do not say, Aids person, but person that has an Aids diagnosis. Think about using the words of diagnosis as ‘has a diagnosis’, not ‘diagnosis person’, please.

People that have special needs should be meet in their needs. The public transport should be accessible and without unexpected danger for the people that have blindness diagnosis. The people that need the aid of the moving chair for going must have possibility in all public buses to enter the bus and safely travel. Trains, tubes and so on must have no space between the train and the pavement and they must become accessible to park the chair in. All stairways in places of the public transport must either allow lift usage or adapt the electric stairways for the people that use wheelchair.

This must be the standard to make safe accessibility for all humans in all public places.

The wheelchair can now work on brain command only. This type of wheelchair must be accessible to all. The free health insurance must find its duty in giving the people who need it the electric wheelchair. Further global application must be made with wheelchair that can climb up the stairs and, I suppose, the best of all, obtaining the hover wheelchair for people that need it.

The children before the primary school should already be advanced users of international sign language. The adults that do not know it yet should learn it. It is a beautiful universal language for all different cultures and people that can see. Maybe some adequate software for the people that have diagnosis of blindness should give them great chance to use it properly and equally as other as well.

Even though I am not for cruel relation towards animals, illegal work, sport, hurting, killing, euthanasying, eating animals, for zoos, circuses, stilling, selling, uncontrolled and unethical breeding, genetic engineering and experimentation, I am very much that all of the pets pass through dressage schools where they can learn to become noble and generous and follow the instructions. They are conscious and honourable when they pursuit the holy mission to help human and they do it with the pleasure. All people that have diagnosis of blindness, if the feel like it, should have one pet-career to help them about. They should also be advanced users of the GPS’s help.

All difficult and chronic diagnosis should have their researches available on the international worldwide live TV stations, on the Internet, scientific journals and access to congresses and seminars. People can get in touch with real pace of the research for the cure only in that way and they deserve that accessibility. This should be available to follow in reality live streaming.

Please, do never think about the death or wish for it. Just declare it is forbidden for you. Looking forward to the day the cures will finally be found. Keep yourself active and inquisitive.


There are two types of animals: pets and public animals. Pets are belonging to the owner, they have pet’s health card with all health and pedigree information and they can travel with us in all countries in the world just with a help of that health card. If they die, we should be in possibility to clone them from their remains when the artificial womb and female’s egg are discovered and put into safe use by scientists. They will have quick trak system on their electronic tags with them so they cannot be lost. The pet owner must had been passed course of that special pet kind and found out all necessary things so they can live together and be prepared. It must not buy or sell the animal or its family and must give at least once per month that pet visits its own animal family and enjoys those moments of togetherness. The owner must give the pet a general check-ups at the vet at least once per three months. The owner must be carefull in giving its pet a vegan diet by having enough supplements the special pet needs so it can assure its nutritional needs are satisfied.

The public animals come in two groups: social public animals (SPAs) and wild public animals (WPAs). The social public animals are all those they have been following humanity wherever it made a habitable place. There belong, amongst others, cattle, chickens, ducks, rats, mice, pigeons, sparrows, ants, flies and so on. They can already belong to some humans, like cattle and pigeons. Because the vegetarianism is something I reckon will soon be the standard of human life, lots of the social public animals people had been taken care will be given away to societies and organisations that will care and help them have decent life. As they are social public animals they can be always visited and cuddled from the people who like them. The social public animals can become the pets if the person decides so and than they are not anymore public but owned by the owner who is responsible for their well-being and has certain obligations concerning their health (see above). The social public animals should be checked by the vet as often as pets anyway. If the person keeps them on its land by they are not its pets, it should give the notice about them to the nearest vet.

The SPAs that can sometimes pose a problem, like, for example, rats and ants because they can find it a great treat to live in the same home with human and eat (even still) the food the human was having for himself. It is necessary that peaceful method is found and that they move from the house they occupied. The best thing is to contact the local vet that will probably know people who deal with displacing the SPAs from the places they occupied. This must be done without hurting or killing SPAs. I am looking forward for such peacefull methods.

The SPAs that can pose especially big health problem, like, for example, the mosquitoes that carry malaria disease must be dealt with much more carefully and quickly. The best idea is to put on lots of places synthetic powder blood mixed with water and when they land on it catch them and keep them somewhere safe and close and make something like ‘new age big and adequate public like-zoos’ for certain SPAs until we do not find a way to heal them and let them go or give them away for adoption as pets.

The SPAs that live on people’s land should be taken care about as well even though if person do not want to adopt them as pets. This is worth for the animals that have be
n up till now used as food. As they are public, they should be accessible to everyone that wants to cuddle them. The people must decide that, if they do not want them as pets, and if they mind people coming on their land just to cuddle the SPAs to give them for public care. Anyway, all of those already tame SPAs should be available for adoption any time soon. Those ones that more prefer to cohabitate with us but are not yet tame, like sparrows or wild mice, for example maybe will become tame slowly and after number of patient years tame as we feed them and care about them continuously. Therefore, we probably should be able to make vegans from SPAs as well.

The wild public animals must be put under protection as well as their habitats. We should give them even more ‘wilderness’ rich both in plant and animal species. We should not pretend to can deliver to them better life as pets, in scientific laboratory, in zoo or in circus. We must just give our best and properly manage to give them enough space so they can live there. When we succeed, it will be great to leave on places where they can expect it the fortified vegan food. If it happens that some population start multiplying out of control, we should think to give them temporary birth control devices. We must take care about all this animals as well, but we should just try, at least in next decades to take care about their environment and food. We should also record them by our cameras for TV stations that present animals their life and specially, our influence in changing their feeding habits. Special groups of people that want to see those animals in their natural environment must learn beforehand to take care about the environment and how to be prepared for the meeting of such wilderness. We must be considered similar to elephants in the wild, non dangerous social beings, as we are such ones.

The international team of zoologists must say which kinds of animals belong to which group, pets, SPAs, or SWAs.

The people that want to clone animals for whose death they feel responsible must be allowed to do so. If they have remains of them, as the graves, fur, leather, hunting trophies should keep them and use few cells to clone the animal. The information about such cloned animal should be put on Central Computer’s database. If someone else has already cloned it, it should not be available to clone it again (the rule first come first served). The cloned animal would need to have electric tag and be available to see about if it belongs to public animals. If it belongs to pets, the email address of the owner of the cloned pet should be available so interested person can make a contact. The contact can possible be made also if, for example, the person had a pet and pet had puppies and person gave them away for adoption and now it wants to find out whether they are alive or cloned and is trying to make a contact so that pet’s family can gather together.

If the person want to clone the animal he feels he is responsible for its death and he does not have the track of its body remains (for example, if the animal was used as food), when time machine from our own remembering was discovered, it should help to recover its genetic material and clone the animal if it is not already cloned.

All this animals should belong to those groups zoologists have put them into even when they are cloned, therefore, as pets, SPAs or SWAs. The laboratory animals that are cloned should be properly fitted in such groups as well. The cloning can and is recommended to be made for the sake of moral duty such person feels it possesses.


The health is the universal right of every living being. Only the harmful parasites and microbes must be dealt with and the ultimate goal is, probably, to genetically modify them so they become harmless.

The pharmaceutical mission must be equal everywhere in the world. The prescription drugs must be free for humans and the taxes’ money will help maintain the pharmaceutical mission. The research on animals must be abolished and substitutive methods that already existed and are appearing on the market must be adopted, as they are cruelty free, cheaper and quicker to obtain the medicaments. The reason why the pharmaceutical firms had continued with experiments on animals was as a guarantee in a case of lawsuit of patients in which the medicament worked wrongly. It is even bigger chance that the medicament will work wrongly because we do not have an identical makeup. If you choose to test on cell cultures, please use synthetic serum for cell growth and differentiation and not the one which came from slaughtered pregnant calves whose unborned babies had been killed without anaesthesia by inserting the needle in their heart and pumping out the blood. All medicines must come from non animal source and few of them that are still coming from animal source should be replaced by genetically engineered and cultured yeast and microbes to make medicament.

The pharmaceutical firms must communicate between them and must unify themselves. The patents for new medicaments must be shared amongst them so that all people on the world that need them could obtain them. The same medicaments must always be under same name everywhere in the world. The big national surveillance of the process of production of medicaments must be applied so therefore, probably, the price taxpayers paying for them will drop as until now they had been driven by economical greed.

The firms like Bioprogress has to finally put out of the usage expensive unethical animal derived gelatine in medicaments so that people can relax whilst taking their pills and not feel ethically disturbed. I suppose that you can change lactose and titanium hard chemical elements in some other more healthy alternatives to be put in the medicaments.

The pharmaceutical firms must give the free entrance to all journalists so they can follow and represent what pharmaceutical firm does to help fighting diseases. The researches into cures must be daily updated on special TV channels and put on live web presentation so people can follow and understand the pace of finding a cure process.

The pharmacies should not deal with selling. Only prescription drugs that are free should be available in pharmacies. People should be able to get exact amount of medicaments they have prescription for as well to give back the medicaments they did not use. It can always be open near by a healthy mentioned shop so people can buy stuff that helps their well-being.

The medicines must be produced and packed in an ecologically friendly way. The pharmaceutical waste must be neutralised before it goes to garbage. Displacing the waste in waters must be forbidden. Polluting the air whilst producing medicaments must also stop.


There is big number of people in the world that have learning language disabilities (like dyslexia, for example) in languages that are not phonetic. The phonetic language has always one letter for one voice and one letter is always spelt as the same voice in order it comes in the word. I propose that people learn as well the phonetic representation of the language they speak so they can write it down exactly the way they speak. I insist that even if phonetic representation becomes a mode, the original way of writing and reading is always known before embarking on phonetic variant.

The problem with phonetic representation in language dictionaries is that they some time have two signs for two very near voices so it gives up a lots of letters to represent the language. It is also quite difficult to use all this symbols in handwriting because they are so complex sometimes that it takes a lot of time to ‘pick up the notes’. The international specialists in language have to simplify the phonetic letters representation. Children will be able to learn to read and write all phonetic letters and voices world languages correspond to and know that most of the languages uses just certain amount of voices and special letters with their rules for pronunciation, not all that exist.


Policemen need to learn and know other languages. They should be capable to work in international teams and to integrate in the police of different country. This would stop the trend of some police stations to have corrupted policemen.

Policemen must also become capable to act as a peacekeeping force in the areas of Earth where are dangerous situations for human rights. The ex soldiers will also be invited to join the police service once when their global demilitarisation is done. The policemen should have weapons with sleeping or paralysing bullets and must become accurate in safe shooting in a case of need so no person can get hurt or killed.

The interrogations of the people who helped or committed a crime must be video recorded and given to the trial followers so they can see the way the person and police acted. This will stop unnecessary and unethical hurting and forcing of people to say things they do not think.

The police must pass each year ‘refreshment course’ where they will refresh their knowledge and learn new stuff. Every two years or so they should choose other police station within or outside current town so they will not loose ability to work and get some bad habits. They must prepare themselves for such a move by studying the files and protocols of the police station they want to join.

The police should also perform and teach interested children and people of the purpose of their mission. All people should understand how important is that everything function by the official law.

The international police must make sure that no scenario of the Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ comes into reality. The Americans and similar that gave themselves too much freedom to control civil people’s freedom in the name of the ‘war on the terror’ must immediately make available all information about their whereabouts and projects to the grand public.

Until all the people of the world do not pass the necessary formation and become policemen themselves in their daily life, the police’s duty to help and protect should be paid from the taxes money.


The politicians should work their job in politics as a part of moral and voluntary work. They should not keep the same job for more than two years. Afterwards they can occupy some other field in a politics, but the best idea is to develop their life by working in some other field before they embark again on voluntary politicians’ work.

At least twenty years should pass before the person who committed a crime and finished with their punishment start to work as voluntary politician.

People that want to become the president of something (county, country, Global Village, etc.) should be chosen amongst the politicians that work in the highest positions to presidency. This will put out the pressure of the people to make a celebrity just from one person, but they will choose well, for example, their deputies in Parliament knowing that one of them will, after the Parliament’s referendum become a president of the country. The presidency will be just a formal duty, as presenter of Parliament. The president is one time duty and maximum for one year time. No politician can have direct force above none and above anything. All its opinions should be properly listened and dealt in the place it voluntarily occupies. The all politicians working hours are to be directly constantly live video recorded on special TV channels available to whole world, because the politicians are the people that represent big group of people, so they should be watched and assessed whilst doing that work.

It is a good idea for the person to become a politician in other country than his homeland because with such a view he carried from the homeland and innovative and constructive way it wants to work for relatively new country where he lives it could do much good in its up to two years term.

It is good and democratic that the job of politicians is a voluntary one. The taxes money should much better be invested in some other fields.


The exhaust from burning fuels in vehicles, industry and homes is a major source of pollution in the air.

Until all vehicles do not pass on hydrogen fuel cells, the amount of taxes for owners of the vehicles that use fossil fuels must be equally big as if they are running and paying for hydrogen fuelled vehicle. These taxes must be set all over the world and all of these taxes will be spent to commercialise ecologically fuelled vehicles as well as for forestation of all available areas.

Several types of devices are already commercially available that prevent polluting particulates from leaving industrial smokestacks. The best of them must be set as a standard by law that all industrial firms have it as well as to research all options to reduce pollution to nothing. In the agriculture biological control should be applied on the places where is needed and pesticides have to be forbidden to use altogether everywhere on the world.

Electricity must be by all means available in ecological manner. All rivers can be used for generating electricity as well as multiple wind turbines on all possible places and advanced solar cells on the roof of all homes and available places. The developing world must get it immediately. Do not promote nuclear power except if you can land the radioactive garbage on safe place in Solar system.

The waste of pharmaceutical companies must be forbidden to leave the company before it is neutralised.

Water treatment must be done with more efficacy and new ways for disposal of solid waste must be globally applied. Recycling cycle must be attained in all terms and in all specific material. The plastic must be made and recycled in low temperature new, environmentally more friendly way. In fact, all processes that include processing and using fossil fuels must be put on the minimum of allowance to produce any pollution altogether.

The scientists must finally publicly declare with which material is best to cover floor, walls and ceiling in indoors places and habitats so people can protect themselves from indoor pollution too.

Please do not wait next generation to make these changes happen.


As pupils will have in their high school sex education subject I wanted to say my opinion about pornography.

Some people like to video tape themselves whilst having sex and that is OK until that is kept private tape within their own family. It can even be shown to their friends if all sides agree on that subject. I am very much against that those tapes, or even tapes that had been done for money are distributed to grand public. I have some other suggestion instead.

As there will probably always be people that want to voyeur other people whilst having sex and there will maybe always be couples that like to be watched whilst making love the best thing that should be legal is to have special free public places where those things can happen. Because sex usually has to be spontaneous act and it has its own time sometimes the stage will be empty or couples will not go until the coitus. But for those ones that are patient to see it happening in front of their eyes and alive, there should be places where that would be legal.

I do not have anything else to say on this subject. In general I am against any sex industry and I believe it must be banned, both legal and illegal one and in the whole world, except those free public sex live theatres where people can have their exhibitionism fed. I am very much for to have proper sexual education thought at school but I should think that there is nothing better than when person does its own way and relationship crowns with making love with its own eternal partner alone.


The first thing is that person cannot get out of the prison by paying money (bail). If it needs to have a trial (police and persecution found out it is guilty and it goes on trial), the person should be in jail during its trial, not before it starts. If there has to be need for evidence to be gathered before the trial, but there is sureness in person’s guilt and forthcoming trial, the person should obtain the electric tag that can locate it everywhere in the world and cannot be put off except from the same police people who put it in.

During whole trial the judge and the jury should constantly have on the screen or easy access the machine for lies analysis. They should now which percentage of accuracy it shows but it should help them a lot to get the final verdict.

The jury will be necessary in every trial. Part of such jury will be the judge, two psychiatrists, two psychologists and the rest of the jury moral persons with PhDs. The person cannot be in the jury at least twenty years after it served his punishment if it had been convicted. The jury should speak together about the case and give the judgment with democratic vote. More than 50% for the decision whether person deserves prison, community work or is free from charges. The part of the judgment cannot be influenced by person’s money and no paying for anything can be part of the judgment, except free community work.

The person that is convicted for crime and the final jury’s judgment is that it deserves prison would not say to it the amount of time it will be in the prison. The judge that had been part of the jury should tell its opinion about the time to two psychologists and two psychiatrists. From then on those four people will spend either 8 hours per week with person in prison as part of their voluntary work (probably during which time they will do some specialisation in their field), or 8 hours of working week of 24 hours for which they will get paid for such work. They need to asses and speak to person constantly. They can push him in direction to get some distance learning formation that would help it obtain better look on life and overcome its crime. They should help him write both his personal diary (which will be only for itself) and different subjects where it should write the essay about. That will be part of its recovering time and changing behaviour. Those essays can be put on the web page if prison person wants or on intern group made from all his juries that they can follow and see its progress. When at least three out of four of psychologists and psychiatrists reckon it is time for it to be released, its jury can be called, the presentation of person’s development professionally explained to them and than they can vote if it is ready to go out of prison. If there is no 50% of vote for letting it out, they should be meeting every month to do the same until they give it freedom.

The person should have an access to intranet of the prison (controlled sites from Internet), especially if it study and need it for word processing.

The person that is judged guilty for the crime should forever have the electric tag which positions it everywhere in the world on it so every time some crime happens, it can be located and discharged if it did not do the crime. It only has forever to have it. I suppose that even those that had already served their punishment will volunteer to have such a tag and it should make all people safer.

The death penalty cannot be applied to no one nowhere in the world. The judge amongst the jury and continuous assessment of the person in the jail will give it much more and accurate length of time it needs to stay in prison than to-day’s method of judging ‘in advance’.


This proposal for research can easily become major axle for psychoanalysis and can be seen as widespread root of illnesses.

The idea is that the child in prenatal and postnatal period has a natural gift for morality and ethics as far as it can see. On the first unconscious understanding that those pretty animals it likes are in fact killed so it can eat them can give a big ‘no no’ fazes in the food choice. Mostly it is never connected together with the meat, that disgust and similar tantrums it shows because it does not have the conscious need to confront its parents and surroundings at all. The child wants to acclimatise and such a subconscious injustice it has for the cause of animals is carried through life. Lots of psychiatric diagnosis can be helped to be developed by such deep injustice. Most of the psychologists do not connect children’s and adult’s behavioural problems with animal injustice cause. This animal injustice syndrome can further be developed if the child understands that humans die and that the medicine does not hel everyone. This is so deeply rooted into individual that it is very hard when it becomes an adult to become a fighter for animal rights or finish some medical formation because it does not want to confront the way and the food and explications of the causes for human death at all, otherwise individual would confront the majority of society.

The second skill for psychologists is that they should learn basic concepts of interpretation of the natal and comparative astrology so that people who come to psychologists and choose astrology as the main axis to analyse their past moments can be understood by psychologist. The forecasts of the future are without any ground and should not be considered as an option to research for experienced psychologists.


All public transport has to pass on hydrogen-fuelled engine as soon as possible. It must set a standard that is protective to environment. It also has to be competitively priced.

All public transport has to permit easy access to the users of wheelchair. It must have parts where people with diagnosis of blindness and tourists can get accurate information. The public transport waiting areas must have hygienic toilets and baby changing spaces for people to use. All closed public vehicles should have air conditioning.

All the cities need to have metro transport available. It is quite interesting suggestion to have on the last wagon of metro a mini concert so people can choose that they want to listen to it and settle themselves in last wagon. All metros have to have sealed walls and ceilings with air conditioning so people can have proper air. All stairways must have mobile stairways parts and accesses for the transport for people with wheelchair, baby vehicle and big bags. The metro stations where people wait should be with lots of plants and UV light above and some simple atriums around, without advertising. People should not wait more than two-three minutes for a metro line to come. They should be working 24 hours a day, every day.

The public town busses should have their way in the street that they would share only with taxis and bicyclists if they do not have their special way already. On the stations it should be electrical notice of the time when next bus is coming. There would be town map and bus map on bus stations as well so people can orientate.

I suppose that it is possible to cut the time of waiting that is usually very long between checking of bags and entering the planes.

For children under 18 years all public transport should be free of charge.


It is nice to see that most of the radios are going live on the internet. There is the need, though, for the successor of the hand held wireless transistor. This machine should be able to transmit all the radio stations of the world, both analogous and digital ones. This invention will be the great thing for whole humanity. It must have proper search engine and state the name, original frequency and place of emitting of each world station. This is, by my opinion, making even easier to learn other languages of the world and understand the culture those languages represent.


I understand that there is a standard that has an obligation to maintain railroads. Unfortunately, it seems that there is no enough urgent attention put on the junctions, protuberant parts, shaking of train, creaking and crunching experiences all other suspicious and possible dangerous train behaviour. They need to be addressed immediately when they appear. The travellers should have available a notebook where they can draw attention if they experienced some disturbing exposure during the travel. The railroad workers must immediately fix those stuff. The drivers of the railroad vehicles must themselves be attentioned and say if anything seems to disfunctionate. They must slow down each time railroads meet each other because it can make very frightening experience for the traveller if it goes in the same speed over another railroad.

Only after this is solved as soon as it appears it will bring bigger safety than previously had been on the train, tramway and metro tracks.


This century has to be the one that will see recycling process make and ideal environmentaly friendly loop since manufacturation.


On this subject, do what you will. I want to say stuff concerning children and religion. It would be good to wait until the child is conscious and know to read and write in few languages and has finished high school and than explain to him what is religion, to which religion you belong and that there are other religions as well. Explain why you think your belief is best for you. Let him research all of them. Than the child will do his own decision and choose those that best suit him. The thing is that you have to be enough democratic so you can accept its choice whatever it is.

Pagan’s and some religion’s strange act like killing certain animals and eating them afterwards would be good to avoid as probably no child will want to kill other animal to feed himself.

Circumcision, special clothes, special names, special standards and other distinguishes, all that will be nice if it is chosen from the person older than 18 years.

The best religion is, by my opinion, when you not speaking about it to others but you still have subjects to speak about. Expand your knowledge and understanding of the world, be as good as you can and try to develop as best as you can sense for humour. Respect lives of other live beings; in fact, we are all parts of the same family..


Most of the time I am walker on the streets. But not just there I hear sirens from the vehicles. Where I live, even though my windows are not exposed to the street, I hear the sirens from the traffic out there. Sometimes, they stop the flow of my thoughts, being so loud and unexpected. Sometimes the sirens annoy me in my silence. Often they just irritate me. Often I wish that I could reply to the same person because I am sure that if driver has such an experience it would not make that sound ever again.

Because the drivers cannot hear me I decided to make suggestion on this place. This is one global project and it will be necessary to be accepted from all future carmakers as a standard. The present vehicles will need to obtain this device for sake of peace of walkers and people which living near the streets; the decision to do that is only theirs.

Sound of siren can stay the same and probably loudness will diminish because it will be carried by radio signal. It will expand in length less than, say, next 10 vehicles in the radius. It will not expand aloud through air so people on the streets and in their homes will not hear it anymore. Only other vehicles will have receptors and they will be able to catch sound message, which had been sent by their neighbour. They will have possibility to reply in same manner, just vehicle drivers near by will hear sound.

Sirens in urgency are the only one which can propagate freely so all people which hear them can wish them luck in saving they are doing. Sound of urgencies cars doesn’t need to be too loud, but presentable.

It will bring calmer sounds to the streets. I think that that peace of mind will be nice to have. Children can grow up uninterrupted with sudden sirens’ sounds which do not directly concern them.

Looking forward for such traffic in the world. Thanks.


LEADS: The tension when the lead is just around the neck is very big and can be dangerous for respiratory and swallowing system. I think for animal welfare and health all leads should be made to go around the front legs as well as around the neck. Mechanically tension for the animal’s muscles is smaller, another good thing is that person can better control the animal’s movement when they are walking. Both sides can just be happier with such device. Please, make a standard to make it from animal free elastic materials which will not irritate skin of your pet.

PANTS: This one concerns mostly pet animals. There are some species which are our pets which live in the house. Some of them, the rodents for example, need minimum couple of hours to be outside the cage for free range. Most of them are very relax by nature and they tend to express their emotional state connecting it with toilet habits. It can happen that they even have some territorial behaviour and piss on us when they are with us (it reminds me on dogs which piss on the street corners to mark their territory and some pet animals which are mostly in the house do it with the same intention on our hands or even neck – just leaving their scent so that everyone knows that we are belonging one to another), or choose from only to them known reasons, certain places to make a shit. There is also a chance, if we have animals of opposite sex that males will feel and do their instinctive duty to impregnate females when they are in ‘heat’.

That behaviour can be found in lots of pets. That is why I have thought that it will be very nice thing to have special pants for our animals. It would collect urine in special absorbing materials and faeces in special little sacs. When such thing happens the trousers will make sound after which we can change them with clean and dry ones. The pants would have to be done from strong material which the pets will not succeed to tear it off. They will certainly be our ‘eternal babies’ with such a procedure, but they deserve to be cared about. There is probably percentage of people who would even want such a pants for dogs because than they will not leave their urine on the trees and be toxic to the plants on the streets as well as they will not leave markings on the betony where, whilst evaporating, it attack sense of smell and well being for majority of people whilst other minority risk allergic reactions which are not naïve.

SHOES: First of all, I would like scientific, professional and detailed international veterinary report which will reveal necessity or absurd of shoeing the domestic horse. Also it needs to be explained what is the best material if shoeing has to be done. Tendency has to be in making no painful but comfortable healthy shoes.

This is just a hypothesis, but maybe some research can be done and it can be explained whether dogs, for example need kind of shoes when they are going out in the walk, especially when it is cold and wet betony where they are gazing. I think lots of other domestic animals can also found it good for thermoregulation to have covered legs (same reasons to cover body parts as human has).

CLOWS: The people need to be educated in theory and practice if they need to cut the claws of their pet(s). This procedure seems to be a further step towards urbanizing the pets. Be careful in doing this.

ROUTINE CHECKUPS: Pets should be generally observed from the veterinary several times in year. It is very important to preserve the health of each animal.

MUSIC: Hypothesis: most of the animals have a sense for music. It will be good for all pets’ species to develop such sense by creating their own odd compositions. That could be represented by bells, or even specified tam tams-pianos over which the pet can walk and produce and develop their ‘DJ’ work.

NESTS: Can this can be done: people who think their cloth is not in such a quality presentation and they do not want anymore to wear it to give those washed and clean rags to animal associations and charities which will forward them to animals for nesting needs?

PASSPORTS: It should be free to travel everywhere with own pets. It is very important, though, that animals have their passport where their health level should be included. Passports will held the same information as in Central Computer.

CAGES: I think that bare standard minimum of the cage size has to be bigger than cubic metre. All animals, which are kept in cage, should have at least 6 hours each day of free-range time. I am ecsclusively against having the birds in captivity, especially not in the cages. If they are already captive, give them lots of free-range time. It is a shame to have the wings and not be able to use them. Only little rodents should have their cage until they do not adapt to live in the same space as we (and they need so much special pants for doing the toilet!).


Global referendum has to be done to find out correct answer for this question.


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